风吹不动 发表于 2014-1-17 15:04:16

转:Matt Cutts解释搜索结果第一页排序范围

谷歌是否使用同样的算法来对搜索页第一页的结果进行排序,还是使用了不同算法使搜索结果呈现出了更大的多样性?昨晚Matt Cutts向大家解释谷歌到底是通过什么样的算法来显示搜索结果的。
这是通用的搜索结果排序,同时Matt Cutts还说:我们会专注网络排名,以上的搜索结果算法返回很多不同的网页结果,即使是后面的100页,我们只是权衡他们的相关性和声誉。


river 发表于 2014-1-17 15:53:42


风吹不动 发表于 2014-1-17 16:01:10

river 发表于 2014-1-17 15:53 static/image/common/back.gif


yxadm 发表于 2014-1-17 21:45:33

1--3是对新的高质量文章的测试,4---6 是已经测试过的高权重页面,7--10是已测试的群众投票比较多的页面.
1--3最重要的是域名权重 ,4--6最重要的是外链,7--10最重要的是用户体验.

风吹不动 发表于 2014-1-18 07:36:01

yxadm 发表于 2014-1-17 21:45 static/image/common/back.gif
1--3是对新的高质量文章的测试,4---6 是已经测试过的高权重页面,7--10是已测试的群众投票比 ...


猪农 发表于 2014-1-18 11:12:33

本帖最后由 猪农 于 2014-1-18 13:23 编辑

除非我理解错了卢松松的话,但我认为小卢对Matt Cutts所说的东西没有正确理解,并且是理解相反了。(这里暂且不论 Cutts是否撒谎,这个是另一个常见话题)。


The question was, “Are results in different positions ranked by different algorithms?” 问题是,谷歌是否对不同的排名位置使用不同的算法?

The answer is NO, Google does NOT have reserved web search results slots or positions for ranking for specific algorithms. 谷歌不会对搜索结果的不同位置使用不同的算法。

For example, slots 3-5 in the results are NOT reserved for fresher content, while slots 6-8 are not reserved for more authoritative content. It does NOT work like that. Google has algorithms that ranks all the search results and the algorithms are NOT assigned to specific positions. 谷歌算法从排名位置1到n都是一样的。

英文视频: http://www.youtube.com/embed/6dlr-1Qk8Uc?rel=0


In general, the rankings are not different for positions 1 to 3, and 4 to 6 and 7 through 10. It's the same algorithm that returns lots of different web results, you know a hundred or even a thousand and then with those we just sort them in the order of what we think the trade-off of relevancy versus reputation, so we want something that's very relevant, but also as reputable as we can find. So it's the same algorithm that generates all those sorted lists of results and that shows up on the first page, So for the most part for web ranking it's not the case where position number nine is saved for things based on backlinks or anything like that. It's the same algorithm that's generating the same list of search results.

风吹不动 发表于 2014-1-18 12:38:18

猪农 发表于 2014-1-18 11:12 static/image/common/back.gif
除非我理解错了卢松松的话,但我认为小卢对Matt Cutts所说的东西没有正确理解,并且是相反了。(这里暂且不 ...


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