We contact all pending publishers in our approval process to get a feelfor how you would best like to utilize our service; please respond to
this email with a brief explanation of how we can best monetize your
domains and I'll make sure you're accepted asap.
I really appreciate your interest in working with Parking Empire and I
look forward to hearing from you!
麻烦大家了 ! 我們聯系了所有申請了的發布商(毒命停放商)﹐以了解您想怎么利用我們的服務。
請簡短的回復﹐告知我們怎樣盡可能的將您的毒命利潤最大化。 妮妮,能给我弄个简单的回复吗:( 對這個我不懂﹐因此回復不了。 毒命