一个老外通过文章市场和Yahoo Answers做ClickBank的成功经验(英文)
Over the next 1-2 months I will conduct an experiment by using the power of article marketing and yahoo answers. The test will be as follows:Firstly, choose 1 product:
1. Post 3 'review style articles' about 1 product to Articlesbase.com, goarticles.com targeting optimized results below 5000 competing pages on google.com.
2. Post 7 'how to' style articles using the same product, using the same sites above targeting optimized results below 5000 competing pages on google.com.
3. Post to 5 posts for the product on yahoo answers making sure I provide good info, to make sure I don't get banned.
I will conduct this using a NEW Clickbank account.
At the bottom of each article for the forward click, all articles will forward to my domain:
(Example Only)
This will simply be my landing page
Thanks! 这类搞流量的技巧是要学习一下的 {s_186_m} 看看写的什么 想修得正果吗? {s_186_m} {s_186_m}看看 回复先看内容在说 谢谢 谢谢
楼主把原文地址提供下就更棒了{s_094_m} 以前看过一个中文的想法,在国外是有市场的,比较赞同 看下看下{s_186_m} 看看写的什么 谢谢分享{s_056_m} 这样的成功经验才是我们需要学习的哦
谢谢LZ分享哦 这样的成功经验才是我们需要学习的哦% ]! g% TT/ V; [
谢谢LZ分享哦 做老外的站就要跟老外学习。:lol 学习一下{s_055_m} 利用免费资源来获得最大利润 先顶了,再看下,lol Firstly, choose 1 product: 支持好文,谢谢:lol 先顶了,再看下,lol