今天搜索的时候发现有人在讨论CB扣量的问题,看了下,摘几段过来。I used to hear stories of people not getting credit for affiliate sales, or their sales just randomly dropping with no decrease in traffic/hops. I always thought "sucks to be them, at least my account is fine."
Unfortunately, I'm experiencing the same thing now. A few of my product sales have basically dropped into oblivion, even though my traffic is increasing (the traffic source hasn't changed at all). It gets a little fishy when you're making 2-3sales a day with around a 1:100 conversion rate, then nothing for weeks with a 1:10,000 conversion rate. I mean come on?
Over this last weekend, I had some friends buy my products through my affiliate links just to see if something was up (I paid them for it, and no I didn't get a refund - hence I wasn't ripping off the product owners), and guess what? only 30% of the sales were accounted for. What happened to my other sales? I'm seeing threads popping up everywhere with users experiencing the same thing. You'll get the occasional big honcho jumping in saying "sucks to be you guys, but my sales are fine," only to find out later he's getting the same clickbank runaround.
I've emailed clickbank about the issue several times with no response. In fact, a few minutes ago I signed up for a cool article submitter through my friends affiliate link so he could get credit for the referral. Think he got credit? Nope. Big surprise. That was the last straw and what what motivated me to create this thread actually.
So is clickbank ripping you off too? I'm in the process of migrating all of my sites to paydotcom or other affiliate sites. What do you guys think?
Man that's scary, a strange thing happened to me a few days ago on one of my affiliate sales through clickbank, I noticed a customer had got a refund 30 minutes after making a purchase, so I'm thinking to myself how can that be, the refund process through clickbank usually takes at least 1 or 2 days.
So I call clickbank and ask how the customer was able to get a refund so quickly, and the clickbank rep says the customer must have called In the refund on the phone, but you know what, most customers don't even know that clickbank even has a phone number.
这只是转载,具体情况不详。做CB的说下情况 我做的时候没跟踪,不知道是否扣量,估计没有不扣量的联盟。 反正没有不扣量的联盟。 呵呵,其实按照道理上说没有必要扣,你销售越多他们提成也越多,而且你也不应该知道究竟有多少销售!
比如有客户购买了,但是用的是无效的卡,你这里已经统计是销售产生业绩,但是实际呢,没有! 每天2、3个sales到几周一个都sale不出去,差别还是有的,那个affiliate给钱叫几个朋友帮买,没有退货,只有1/3算到他的账上(随着帖子说的,真假不确定)。我想扣量还是有的,只是没有那么夸张 CB也扣量?还做什么呀,晕晕了 呵呵,经济危机嘛。大家理解一下。 本帖最后由 templates 于 2009-4-28 21:15 编辑
就要用自己的ID去测试一下,以免花钱做冤大头 CB的利益跟我们是一致的,我们只有卖出东西,他才有钱赚,所以是商家emu或者CB漏算,CB不会扣量跟自己过不去的 给他点甜头,号可以更长久 改版后,hoplink加密了,链接地址也不像以前一样了,对affiliate来说不知道是好事还是坏事