well I was looking at your traffic log, there all coming from one place and or system flags it because there are several conversions with the same IPCan you explain the Traffic from above? 等高手来!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol well I was looking at your traffic log, there all coming from one place and or system flags it because there are several conversions with the same IP
Can you explain the Traffic from above?
bjsac 发表于 2009-6-17 11:19 http://advertcn.com/images/common/back.gif
以后刷流量的时候,网址地址来源不要只填首页,而要多填一些地址,最好把你网站的内页地址都填进去,能填多少就填多少,测试任务的时候,也不要用相同的IP去测试很多任务,这个问题你基本上没有理由去回答了. 1,把内页广告都撤掉,告诉他只在首页挂了广告.如果他看到你内页有广告,就赖皮说内页的广告是轮换的,给的这个广告的权重很低,很少显示...
2,就告诉他你也不知道怎么回事.但是,就说你的站有多好多好...有很多回头客经常访问,也许是他们重复购买. 本帖最后由 bjsac 于 2009-6-25 09:14 编辑