我的网站流量80%来自美国,其它分别为加拿大,英国等国家。经销的商品吸引各个层次和各个年龄段的浏览者,这其中肯定会有不少贵公司的使用者。因此,我觉得我的网站很适合发布联盟的广告。 晕倒,楼上的是什么回答啊 80% of all traffic of my website is from U.S., and othersfrom U.K. and canada.The adverts of full arrays of goods on my website are for different kinds of customer with different age stage. So this will fit for your company.So, I feel my webiste will appropriate to publish the ads. 80% of the traffic of my sebsites is from us,and the others are from canada and england etc,ALL the adverts are absorbing customers with deffenent ageandstat,it is certianly for most of them become user,so,I feel my website is very suitable to publish ads ofyour company 我只会英翻汉,呵呵