NND,很多版块发帖数小于1还不给看,不得不发个贴.........WP模版制作工具 Artisteer
The Automated Web Designer
Artisteer is the first and only Web design automation product that instantly creates fantastic looking, unique website templates and blog themes.
Design awesome WordPress Blogs, professional Joomla! and Drupal templates, and cool Website designs in Minutes
Easy to Use
No need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML or other technologies
Export as Wordpress Theme or CMS Template
With Artisteer YOU immediately become a Web design expert, editing and slicing graphics, coding XHTML and CSS, and creating Web Design Templates, joomla templates, drupal themes and wordpress themes - all in minutes, without Photoshop or Dreamweaver, and no technical skills.
Password: blackhatworldrocks
Virus scan:
Files scanned: 1
Number of infected objects: 0
Number of cleaned objects: 0
How to install:
1) Download the file from mirror above with password: blackhatworldrocks
2) If you don't have it already download latest Diamond Tools:
3) Open .iso file you downloaded with diamond tools
4) Install .exe you will find in cd you unmounted (or whatever it's called)
5) Go to C:\Program Files\Artisteer 2\bin and place file also found in unmounted (or whatever it's called) iso called artisteer.
6) Oped the file and there you go working Artisteer verstion
Remember to install latest framework!
It's working on my windows xp so anyone with vista report how it works. 还可以制作其他的不少模板呢
做出来的东西很华丽 我咋打不开下载页面呢?很想试试这个工具 我咋打不开下载页面呢?很想试试这个工具
breaknew 发表于 2009-8-25 20:50 http://www.advertcn.com/images/common/back.gif
用代理工具试试。应该是被屏蔽了 这个我下载到了。比较难下啊。 这个工具应该不错,去下载一个 要注册啊{s_043_m}{s_006_m} 感谢楼主分享了 好贴子,我为人人,谢谢. 我下载到了。比较难下啊