这些词语在你做联盟或者打广告的时候会经常遇到了,有需要的可以了解收藏下。Advertiser / Client: An individual who buys advertising to promote a product or service.
Burnout: The decreasing responsiveness or "clickyness" of an advertisment, directly correlated with the passage of time and number of views.
Campaign: The collection advertising options chosen by an advertising client to promote a product or service.
Click / ClickThrough: The interaction when a human user clicks an online advertisment.
CPM (Cost Per Mil): M standing for Mil, a symbol for thousand. CPM means the cost per 1000 ads (impressions). A CPM of 1 would mean $1 per 1000 ads. CPM campaigns usually run trick ads that get lots of clicks.
CPC (Cost Per Click): Ads are only paid for when a surfer clicks through to an advertiser's website. CPC ads are usually designed to be not very appealing yet very targetted so only people interested click the ad.
CTR (Click Through Rate): The rate at which a given ad generates clicks, an ad that is shown 100 times and receives 2 clicks would have a 2% click through rate.
FillerAds / Default Ads: Ads placed on behalf of an advertiser on a "Run of Network" campaign, to fill unsold ad inventory at a lower price.
GeoTargetting: When advertisments are targetted to a given country, city, or region.
Hits / Page Views: A count of every page load of a website, includes refreshes and multiple visits. Also referred to as "raw" visits.
Impressions: The number of times an advertisment has been viewed by a surfer (directly related to Hits/Page Views)
Internstitials: Ads that pop in a console (or take over the window) that give the choice to visit an advertier's website or to continue to the publisher's website.
Popups / Popunders: A new browser window that opens (or spawns) automatically upon visiting (or leaving) a website. They often contain another website or full page advertisment.
Publisher: An individual who creates and maintains websites, who uses advertising to generate income.
Ratecard: The posted ad rates of websites or adnetworks. Ratecard prices are usually far higher than what the site or network will actually sell advertising for if the buy is large enough. They are like the asking price for a car, open for negotiation.
Remnant Space: Undesirable ad space that is difficult to sell.
Rich Media: A type of ad that allows interactivity via Java, Flash, or another means. These ads are often run as banners that allow internet users to play games, enter data, or something before they are taken to an advertiser's website.
ROI (Return on Investment): Profit generated from a given advertisment expressed as a percentage. A $1000 expendature on advertising that yields $1500 in income would have a ROI of 50%.
RON (Run of Network): An untargetted buying on an advertising network. Rather than buying targetted ads on related websites, the buyer instead opts for the cheapest ads.
Second Clickthrough: Advertising that is paid on the basis that a user visits a website, and then clicks a link on that website to receive credit.
Traffic: A general term to describe the amount of visitors to a website.
Unique: A count for one page view per surfer. This doesn't include multiple visits in one day or page reloads. 楼主,好人,收藏了 收藏了 学习下 看过以后就速成了:handshake RIO。我上次听说。但不知道什么意思 heheh 学习鸟.... 谢谢了 很实用 不错,翻译出来可能更好! 不错很多术语 没事就来学习 眼花中。。。英语还是太差 好东西,收下鸟 有中文就更好了…… 收藏了,学习中 相当的不错,campaign最开始的时候就花了很久才知道是什么 本帖最后由 kapitu 于 2010-6-5 10:49 编辑