Micro Niche Finder 5.10 破解版使用时提示
本帖最后由 sohoboy1 于 2010-6-16 13:33 编辑安装完Micro Niche Finder 5.10 破解版
Micro Niche Finder received an empty response from Google while attempting to retrieve a CAPTCHA image.
The HTTP Result Code was 0 (zero). This may be due to one of the following:
A problem with your internet connection
A minor 'hiccup' in your internet connection
Your firewall (or other security-related software) may be blocking Micro Niche Finder's access to the internet.
Please verify your Internet Settings by running a Micro Niche Finder Internet Connection Test (click the Internet Connection Test link on the 'Home Page').
Click the Close button to close this window
在进行internet connection test时
connecting to google"s external keyword tool via https failed
只是internet属性的安全级别不能调到最低 没用过这个,求高人解答 没这情况,帮顶!! 还真没遇见过这样的情况,会不会和操作系统有关? 没用过呢 楼主重新安装下试试 只能说破解的实在不太好用 重装一下吧
破解版 脾气猜不到啊! 这个版本的破解 功能全么? 我还没用上,连不上网络
有钱还是买个正的 安装正常,没有问题 严格按照安装破解说明步骤走,我能用,没发现什么问题呢。 我也是这个情况啊,麻烦大家提供下解决办法吧 郁闷,我也遇到这个问题