20081008 发表于 2010-6-26 08:22:55

英语每日一句: 俚语特刊 4

英语每日一句: 俚语特刊 4

61 pot =Marijuana;joint 大麻烟

62 crack 强效可卡因

63 whiz 小便
I just took a whiz.

64gig =job
I just do these gigs as a cover.

65 dump 甩了某人(比如女朋友)

66 get high爽一下
Do you get high?

67 p-i-s-s off

68 get a crush on somebody 迷上某人

69thirtyish = thirty something 三十多岁的

70 bent =angry
It's OK. Don't get so bent.

71 booze = alcohol
He promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.

72 call =prediction
The weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come.

73 chintzy =cheap
That really was a chintzy present you got him.

74 cut out =leave
It is late. I have to cut out.

75 dope -drug
There are a lot of dope dealers around here.

76 freebie 免费品
The pillow was a freebie

77 get it =understand
I listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it.

78 grubby = unclean and untidy
Those clothes are too grubby to wear to the party.

79 hairy =dangerous
That was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.

80fag   是"faggot"的简写, 对同性恋男子的贬称

雪域光芒 发表于 2010-6-26 08:38:56


dahuie 发表于 2010-6-26 10:19:11


lyyxyyl 发表于 2010-6-26 10:55:18


imchazi 发表于 2010-6-26 13:58:28


liuxin88 发表于 2010-6-26 20:44:49

thank you!

hlzone 发表于 2010-6-27 10:49:25


江枫 发表于 2010-6-28 15:31:28


kapitu 发表于 2010-7-30 11:05:37

呼呼 最爱学俚语喽 实用啊
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