CB产品 ,价值97刀,销售页面:
- http://www.seopressor.com/
一 Analyses Title, H1, H2 and H3 Tags
Your title and heading tags are the most important factors that can influence your search engine ranking. SEOPressor will analyse your title and heading tags and intelligently suggest changes to them for the best proven optimization.
二 Analyses Keyword Density and Content Length
It has been tested and proven countless of times that Search Engines especially Google likes longer than shorter content. Your keyword density is also an important factor that can influence how you rank. SEOPressor will analyse both of them and suggest changes you can make to improve your optimization.
三 Analyses The Exact Placement of Your Keyword
SEOPressor not only analyses your keyword, it also intelligently takes into account the exact placement of your keywords. The exact placement of your keyword in your content will determind how well you rank on Search Engines.
四 Analyses Images and Links
Images and linking structures have a huge impact on your ranking. SEOPressor will analyse images and links on your content and suggest changes you can make for higher search engine ranking.
五 Analyses Font Decorations
Decorations such as bold, italic and underline all have great impact over your on-page optimization. SEOPressor analyses them and suggest changes you can make to help search engines understand your content better.
六 Intelligently Bold, Italize and Underline Your Keywords
Font decorations are known to have great influence over how a document rank on search engines. SEOPressor will help you bold, italize and underline your keywords on-the-fly.
七 Intelligently Add ALT Tag to Your Images
Images' ALT tags can be used to improve your on-page optimization. SEOPressor will automatically add your keyword to your images thus optimizing them for best search engines benefit.
八 Capable of Testing and Rating Each Post and Page
SEOPressor can accurately analyse and test your content whether you have them as a post of page on your Wordpress site.
九 Reveals Your On-Page SEO Scores
SEOPressor will calculate and show you the score of your on-page optimization. Pages with higher scores have been proven to rank better on search engines, resulting in better ability to attract organic traffic.
帮顶 好象不错@ 先看看 这种后台插件?后台插件啥意思 不影响WP速度? 买了,看看如何~ 这个我哪里好像有两款 5# myadvertise
是插件就影响 这个不是早就又有人放出来了, 晕! 之前有人放出来了,但我安装后总是提示错误,用不了,
不知这款能不能正常使用,用过的人出来说一声。 已经购买了,还没有测试那 7# binglun87 放出来瞧瞧啊或者PM个下载地址啊 :) 那个版本的
我有一个 新版WP用不了 去看看了解下 我用楼主的安装了,并激活,出现下面的提示:
The plugin generated 7 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
这是什么问题呢,怎么解决。 这个不用激活,安装完就已经是激活状态了啊 买下看看, 不行的话去楼主家要钱去! 楼主 怎么下不了呢?我等了10秒后没有下载连接按钮 等10秒后 显示 鏈接已經準備好 請立刻下載文件
楼主退钱(免你利息)or 给我发份!呵呵 楼上XUN6请用软件下载就好了