本帖最后由 firenimrod 于 2011-3-14 02:28 编辑这是我申请帐号 经理给我的回信
We received your application to join our affiliate platform. Please could you clarify a little more as to how you intend to promote our merchants and source the traffic to your site since there didn’t seem to be that much relevant content. We need to provide our merchants with transparency as to how their brands are advertised and this also helps us select appropriate programs for our publishers.
这个一般回复都是从哪些方面来考虑,有什么技巧,有范文更好, 求高手点拨,跪谢了 没啥技巧,你的网站内容不行 老外怎么这么喜欢使用长句子 真别扭 :( 郁闷 辛苦各位了 这个老外有点罗嗦 have a look 还是把英文学好,是王道 英语不好确实很蛋疼 baidu 指导。