Hello,Thank you for your email. I have enabled your account to receive wire transfers effective 03/28/2012.
I have completed your reissue request and placed a stop payment on the check. The funds will be re-credited to your ClickBank account after the next available pay period “settles” (which occurs on each period’s payment change deadline and is also the first day that a particular pay period shows up on the “paychecks” page in the “reporting” tab of your account) and then sent on your next payment date.
So in your case, your reissue will be applied to the pay period ended 03/14/2012, which will “settle” and show up on your paychecks page on 03/21/2012 (the payment change deadline for this period). The payment will be sent on 03/28/2012, via wire. Be advised that the reissue credit will not appear in your transaction details until the period “settle” date.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.
Kind regards,
ClickBank Accounting
用了工行的卡,不知道结汇美元换成人民币需要多长时间? 网上银行结汇-立马变老毛 回复 2# displaysonline
貌似半夜出来的人挺多。 恭喜~ LZ以前有没发过支票么,不是收票两次后才能改电汇的么? 那是胜利的消息!!;P 恭喜哈~不过,这样有收收费法吧 第一次收cb的钱,其实去年就应该收了,但是支票了3次都寄不到。所以联系让他pp或者电汇,没想到可以了。 最近rmb贬值到6.32了,恭喜LZ 好好谈谈也是可以电汇的 你真的很牛额