Thank you for contacting Hosting Support regarding the network violation for the nsa3v2MySQL databases on your xxxxxxxxx.com hosting account.Upon further review, it appears as though the remnants of the YARPP plugins are still within your databases. However, as you have removed the plugin files/folders, they are deactivated. As such, we are considering this issue to be closed and will continue to monitor the situation.
求解释,这个是要close我的网站,还是要close出现的这个问题? 如果要封站,就不会continue to monitor the situation了吧 河马正解 就是这件事情到此为止。 :lol放下一块大石头,终于 这个问题暂时给你解决了,可以继续使用这个空间,但是会监控一段时间,
孩子,要守法啊,你现在相当于取保候审。。。。。 {s_095_m} 回复 7# 隐逸逍遥
昂,就是自动内链插件惹的祸 你数据库太占CPU。。如果不停掉某些插件,就关掉你的账户。。。。虚拟主机的话,最好是不要用一些占资源的插件。 {s_295_m} 意思差不多。。。。。。 最终结果是什么啊
不是让你自己解决这个插件问题吗 呵呵,是这个理。。