
楼主 |
发表于 2014-1-18 13:24:59
What is Guest Posting – an Infographic
While the practice of guest posting is getting more and more popular, many people still wonder how it is different from just plain blogging.
This post represents a guest infographic which clearly outlines the difference.
It is also a funny one.
Plus, don’t miss our detailed post on the difference between blogging for yourself and guest blogging .
While we do not mean to say you should stop blogging and start to only guest posting (the two should definitely co-exist), this infographic will outlay the hugest benefits of the latter):
(Please click the image to enlarge)
(Please click to enlarge)
Publish the infographic to your blog:
<a ><img title="guest blogging infographic" src="http://myblogguest.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/guestblogginginfographic-thumb.jpg" alt="" width="450" height="769" /></a>
This infographic is by Brandon Rhodes who works for Response Mine, an interactive marketing agencyoffering customer acquisition and lead generation services.
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