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发表于 2013-6-28 15:44:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Here is how to get Rich:

1) I learned very early in life that the ONLY way to makemoney was to “sell” something … either a product or a service …something people wanted or needed – or – do something for them they couldn’t,or wouldn’t, do for themselves.
2) I learned to “make do” with what I had, until Icould get what I needed to do a better job.
3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal)to get to where I wanted to be, even if I didn’t like doing it (especially if Ididn’t like doing it). — You can do ANYTHING you need to do … until you cando what you want to do.
“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what ispossible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — Saint Francis ofAssisi 从需要完成的事情开始,然后去做尽可能做的事情,之后你就会发现突然间你完成了不可能的事情
4) I learned to never ask anyone to do anything for me thatI wasn’t willing to do myself – and – everyone who has ever worked with me hastaught me about what they have done for me and how they did it. After a while,I could do it, too – but – maybe not as well as they did.
“Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specificsubject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day.” — AlbertEinstein “任何人都可以在某个领域成为天才,只要他们每天花15分钟用心地去学习。”–爱因斯坦
5) I learned to “pay” for what I wanted. If Icouldn’t afford it, I saved-up to be able to afford it. (Sometimes if seemedlike forever.)
6) I learned that no matter how long it took to achieve mygoal (whatever it was), it would have been just as long as if I hadn’tpersisted, but I would have accomplished nothing.
7) I learned that NOTHING is as easy or as fast as it shouldbe. It only gets easier and faster when you know how to really do it – and -learning how to really do it is just a matter of doing it over, and over, andover, until you finally find out how it works. Of course, if you give up afterthe first (second, third, or fourth) try, you’ll never do it.

“The secret to success is the constancy of purpose.” — Benjamin Disraeli

8) I learned most of what I know from my mistakes andfailures. My successes never taught me anything … they were only based uponwhat I had learned from my mistakes and failures. (That’s why those who areafraid to make mistakes, or fail, never achieve the success they desire.)

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” — Bill Gates

9) I learned that my most prized possessions were mycustomers. People who, directly or indirectly, paid for my lunch every day.(That’s why, unlike my contemporaries, I reply to my customers emailspersonally.)
10) I learned that “money” is NOT an end untoitself … it is only a way of keeping score. (The saddest people in the worldare those who are forever chasing the almighty dollar – and – the vast majorityof them have no real respect for money.)
“If your ONLY goal is to become rich, you will neverachieve it.” — John D. Rockefeller 如果你唯一的目标是变得富有,那你将永远无法实现。
11) I learned to ASK for what I wanted or needed – and – tograciously accept a “NO” as readily as a “YES.”
YES … you can get rich – but – you’ll have to do ityourself. No one will do it for you!

I get tickled by people who want to start at the top of theladder. — For some unknown reason, they honestly believe they are better thanI am, since I had to start on the bottom rung and climb up one rung at a time.
When I mention the above, I often hear … “Yeah. Icould do that – but – it will take too much time. I need money now – and – Idon’t want to just make a little money, I want to get rich.”
Sorry, you’ll have to start where I started. — Do what youneed to do to make a little money. Then, do more and more of it to make moreand more money. As you make more and more money, the greater the opportunitiesyou will have to make even more money.
抱歉,你仍然需要从我起步的地 方开始。想尽所有的办法从赚小钱开始,然后再继续坚持,当你挣到更多的钱的时候你会得到更大的机会赚到更多的钱。
The more things you don’t want to do, the fewer and fewerthings you will do … until you are doing as most people do … NOTHING butdreaming!


参与人数 1e币 +1 收起 理由
西门吹雨 + 1 鼓勵


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