
楼主: bloom


发表于 2013-7-30 06:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得楼主分享的经验和方法是有可操作性的。 只是,有一点不是很明白,为什么要  “两三天之后,文章收录了,可以添加一条指向你自己网站的链接 ” ,为什么不直接就加好指向你网站的链接呢?
( z$ X- w& `! X: A9 b' |& f; P$ t* A7 }
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发表于 2013-7-30 08:36:36 | 显示全部楼层
( q/ j, T  W4 l# m2 j4 T! L
这个可能是怕账号太容易被封的吧0 U4 ^6 f( y* D5 K


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发表于 2013-7-30 08:48:40 | 显示全部楼层
楼主说的那本书,应该是这本:* P5 y- Z6 X1 F" b, ^6 l  B2 A
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发表于 2013-7-30 09:06:37 | 显示全部楼层
嘿嘿,评论区的讨论有意思7 V# d" E, {0 R) u
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发表于 2013-7-30 13:31:01 | 显示全部楼层
月光飞燕 发表于 2013-7-28 20:50
# V& e) C* N/ t4 Q7 D; ]3 U锚文本主关键字的比例过高,20%足以了,相关词比例过高10%足以了,剩余70%全部用无关杂乱词
0 h% P; p! b4 x; G$ s& T3 z: r社交推广G+优于 ...

7 ~1 j4 ^& G) n* Q: {6 W,有GOOGLE+的攻略吗?我也觉得GOOGLE+的效果应该会很好,但是这方面经验很欠缺,感谢。+ a8 q" z" E/ a9 t2 b- C8 L  x

0 V5 H$ L# P* {: F" C& c
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发表于 2013-7-30 14:00:33 | 显示全部楼层
( i7 W+ l" e/ c  o# `- d8 U6 H9 H( f而有不少是有时效性的,写书的时候是那个样子,等我们读到书的时候就不一定了
5 `, T5 H1 V: p. `( O, F4 o, t
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发表于 2013-7-30 14:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
这些都是前几年的外链策略了吧$ G6 L. J& |" ]. J( ^+ Y( U% C
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发表于 2013-7-30 16:35:34 | 显示全部楼层
" S- h( U! s: z' W
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发表于 2013-7-30 16:37:57 | 显示全部楼层
这个不错,可以收藏了。( _9 k8 [! P& U
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发表于 2013-7-30 16:57:18 | 显示全部楼层
这种策略现在还WORK吗?' \% T/ m3 m* h' o% \2 b; q
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发表于 2013-7-30 17:08:45 | 显示全部楼层

8 u" c. p. D3 T$ |/ G* t& X8 R( E6 x

0 j* \, C( J- ?1 u7 O看看Danny的策略应该就知道啦,实际就是大同小异,测试就好啦,月光都在论坛下方列出来了。( M. |/ P3 V9 l  T2 w# I

# I( |' y8 Y3 S' D/ X0 J* `For the First 3 Months : The only Seo work that is done is the following :
! R4 j* i' c; g! @; L- h7 Z: G+ a, ]! e0 a9 H3 ~) ?# F1 n: X$ b
Release a Press Release on a Paid Service - saying the Site is launched offering reviews/insights/why its a great product and about the accessories you need - or that the products stand out individually and why people should come to my sites and read about them.$ i  ]0 X  B% |6 o( |

7 [5 P; D- P3 W; p2 z% j! P2 HI take these links and distribute them through Twitter Account / Facebook Account or pay someone at Fiverr - then I go to the site and Pin Images from the site.' e9 d% J, A3 D
Then I go to Add Me Fast and write tweets - retweet some tweets ... get likes and repins......... these I do slowly I don't mass spam these things.& x; w8 m: k+ F  b7 a
$ x% ^$ t9 z; l+ X" b2 Q
Next I Bookmark the articles/site -- then I submit an article on the main product outlining what makes up the product why its distinctive and of course to find out further information, best deals and accessories. Then I go to PDF Sites and submit 1 PDF a week with links to my site and pages.  b  x* B6 q, y. K3 N4 I8 L

5 \& }, R, y- M- \% X" TThen I set up Google Alerts for the keywords and when I can add a comment to a site related I do so.
( c, `: |- H+ a% V' D6 a& a. `
9 l6 {; P  ?( J3 Q0 ESo this is all I do for the first 3 months --- then I analyze the traffic and make sure I am now getting a constant flow of traffic from Google search ... If I am not then I keep going for a little while with basic work and see what changes I may need to make to the site itself.
  V: b' D/ g2 {# c( T3 _* a- a& U; S; x, I$ S8 a3 y" ~  ~
Assuming now I am getting search traffic I then move into the more Intermediate Seo Phase.
" c/ P" k  y" @) `9 h% H8 o0 T2 M9 v
Web 2.0 to money site - then all sorts of links going to Web 2.0 as you would any normal Seo Campaign.... just as you read about in just about every thread - or buying the services yourself.
; x; {* Y( ], B5 @+ J) N
4 S. Q- J: q, Q% ^  ~The Seo campaign then revolves around - how much traffic is the site getting / Sales ----> doing well -- more content - repeating process and moving to advanced phase.* G# \0 t& c* |: c% I8 u9 R1 m# O
not doing well ---> re analyze and if nothing found to change/improve then just do basic Seo.7 B5 s; w8 j" G
0 K" m, J/ a7 s7 c$ H: o
Whenever the Site moves into its "Hot Phase" I release a paid PR.6 v) H5 x$ O+ a

) u% u" ]5 `3 E! q2 V6 `' h8 f; nAs always which really goes without saying but I will repeat it for people who don't follow things well.4 s9 h: c  |4 j- q4 J0 U
6 j; h- X2 N5 Q3 i5 {
Introductory Phase = spread the work over 3 months - just steady work not spamming anything..... I use a Whiteboard to write down the tasks for each day out to a week - then update for the following week.8 W- o. H, Q" E$ l* `( m

* k+ C  [3 N5 [0 w; _% eIntermediate Phase = establishment of Web 2.0 network and building a link velocity dependant on the results of sites ... there is no point building links too quickly for Pool Pumps in the middle of winter but there is need to increase in summer.
! j# E% g/ {6 ^. Q; V0 p! N2 q9 N6 s: {! H
Advanced Phase = analysis of niche / traffic / site ----> and adjusting to what the site needs.4 e, g0 u) j3 u- G4 J7 T! i) ~

; o' g5 {# J$ \  F4 YSo what I normally see is my Site in the Top 3 and the other stuff built being 10-15 places of the Top 50 with links to my site - so no matter what level the keyword is ... the Site will make Sales.
3 j$ U6 f- T- C. e$ x: @1 @
" f- X) F- G' O

1 ^% f7 C; h$ Z, z; R% c7 I  B5 c5 I+ |$ I' \: ]
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发表于 2013-7-30 17:10:56 | 显示全部楼层
最近怎么发外链 google也不展示排名
( T. ?4 m+ P( q& R! a
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发表于 2013-7-30 19:13:32 | 显示全部楼层
好好学习 天天向上 每天进步
0 l. j' M5 e; P% Q, o; w) z) J
$ G$ Z/ a8 d* A
7 q8 L6 u) i3 J# ]1 P$ K
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发表于 2013-7-30 19:26:15 | 显示全部楼层
paulalswift 发表于 2013-7-30 08:48
$ S: i- s( ]. j; ~3 u# P- o0 I楼主说的那本书,应该是这本: d$ N% d5 a4 C* d) L0 y
, a* F  \" Q0 H" {
没得评分了  应该就是这本
% R, J9 y# i0 V+ T2 o( K
( t( d  K, _' z+ S; W
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发表于 2013-7-31 20:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
这个不错,以后继续分享下的。      ) b1 p) f8 q5 ^& n, d* [$ |: |
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发表于 2013-8-2 17:39:19 | 显示全部楼层
还是有参考价值的,顶一个- V% q0 S9 o$ o3 h4 H
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发表于 2013-8-3 15:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
% @0 Y9 w. Y1 |( _% s
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发表于 2013-8-3 15:44:04 | 显示全部楼层
新人学习了,好像还是有用的9 I! ~1 B. n2 J  c$ ~. J( t
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发表于 2013-8-30 21:35:15 | 显示全部楼层
即使策略一样 不同的人操作起来效果都不不一样的 外链策略只有自己试试才知道效果的 6 ]4 T' r, O/ U8 s  b9 H
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发表于 2013-10-21 13:09:10 | 显示全部楼层
我也有这样的疑虑,而且还有一点就是,文中所提到的各种关键词,都是指向你的niche站吗?如果是的话,应该是niche站的首页还是分别指向该站的不同页面?1 {& J  \/ c" Y' j
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