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发表于 2013-10-10 14:28:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
注册后添加信用卡,不会预授权核实,要直接live chat客服,询问是否添加信用卡成功,不然注册域名会提示
Due to technical difficulties, your domain(s) could not be registered at this time.
Our technical support team will contact you soon regarding your domain registration.

I see you're trying to register the domain name. It appears the issue is that the credit card you are using is not the credit card you have on file.  Please to go Account Management -> Change Payment Information and update your information. Once it's updated you shouldn't have any issues registering domain names.

If it is correct, in order to process your payment we will need a front and back copy of a picture ID as well as the front and back of the card being used. You will also need to include the domain you want to register. That information can be faxed to 910-321-1390 with the domain you are trying to register or emailed to [email protected].

Due to technical difficulties, your domain(s) could not be registered at this time.
Our technical support team will contact you soon regarding your domain registration.

赶紧再联系客服,结果这个客服核实了半天之后要求告诉他我要注册的域名,然后几秒钟之后,信用卡就扣款了。退出重新登录AIT账号,显示注册成功,支持whois protect。



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asexy + 2 楼主好牛


 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-10 14:32:47 | 显示全部楼层
| 09.10.2013 09:58:16 | Mark Porter: Hello hyln, my name is Mark Porter, how may I help you?
| 09.10.2013 09:58:34 | hyln: I can't register domains.
| 09.10.2013 09:58:54 | hyln: It show me"Due to technical difficulties, your domain(s) could not be registered at this time. Our technical support team will contact you soon regarding your domain registration."
| 09.10.2013 09:58:55 | Mark Porter: What are the domain names you are attempting to register?
| 09.10.2013 09:59:50 | hyln: I already contact you before. You let me send picture ID.
| 09.10.2013 10:00:32 | hyln: I have send you by mail. And you respond me now it's ok
| 09.10.2013 10:00:47 | Mark Porter: ok
| 09.10.2013 10:00:58 | hyln:
| 09.10.2013 10:01:33 | hyln: there are the first batch. I'm checking other domains.
| 09.10.2013 10:05:12 | Mark Porter: Ok, so you are still having an issue?
| 09.10.2013 10:06:09 | hyln: I still can't register domains
| 09.10.2013 10:07:18 | hyln: Dose my creditcard do not link my AIT account?
| 09.10.2013 10:07:37 | Mark Porter: What is your account #
| 09.10.2013 10:08:35 | hyln: [email protected]
| 09.10.2013 10:13:19 | Mark Porter: Ok, I see you have a card on file.  And did you get any email from us stating the issue?
| 09.10.2013 10:15:00 | hyln: Hi,

Thank you for choosing AIT.  I see you're trying to register a domain name .  It appears the issue is  the credit card you are using has not passed our screening process.  You may attempt to use another card or provide a copy of a picture ID,  as well as the front and back of the card being used.  Please also include the domain you would like to register.  The credit card and ID  information may be faxed to 910-321-1390, or emailed to [email protected].  | 09.10.2013 10:15:40 | hyln: Hello,

Could you please try and register the domains that you wish to register.

Have a great day,
Josh Darder
Customer Service
8AM to 8PM Wednesday through Friday
[email protected]
| 09.10.2013 10:16:25 | hyln: I got email respond above.
| 09.10.2013 10:17:27 | Mark Porter: Ok, I found the email that you sent in, bear with me
| 09.10.2013 10:22:17 | Mark Porter:
| 09.10.2013 10:22:25 | Mark Porter: those are the domains you are trying to register?
| 09.10.2013 10:24:54 | hyln: yes, there are the first batch
| 09.10.2013 10:25:35 | hyln: I notice I could register 10 domains. I'm checking other domains.
| 09.10.2013 10:25:44 | Mark Porter: ok
| 09.10.2013 10:28:40 | Mark Porter: I have registered the following domains for you:
| 09.10.2013 10:30:18 | hyln: thanks, I receive sms about creditcard payment
| 09.10.2013 10:30:40 | Mark Porter: Do you have more you would like to register?
| 09.10.2013 10:31:37 | hyln: I find nothing in my account panel about these domains
| 09.10.2013 10:32:52 | hyln: Maybe I must wait some times
| 09.10.2013 10:33:00 | Mark Porter: log out and log back in
| 09.10.2013 10:34:39 | hyln: OK. Could I register other domian by myself now? Or I must need you to help me register domian...
| 09.10.2013 10:35:44 | Mark Porter: I can assist you with it if you cannot
| 09.10.2013 10:35:53 | hyln: I find these for domains at my control panel now. Thanks a lot
| 09.10.2013 10:36:27 | Mark Porter: You are welcome
| 09.10.2013 10:36:45 | hyln: OK, thanks a lot. I need an hour to find and check  valuable domains.
| 09.10.2013 10:36:53 | Mark Porter: Ok
| 09.10.2013 10:38:58 | hyln: I will try register by myself. If not I will contract you. And is there some rating item about our communication? I will rate you the best
| 09.10.2013 10:39:13 | Mark Porter: Thank you
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发表于 2013-10-10 15:47:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-10 19:28:55 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-10 21:02:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-11 23:18:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-11 23:24:17 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 01:43:28 | 显示全部楼层
好像是美国时间12日活动结束。对国人不友好,我第二次想注册剩下的几个,好容易想出一些域名。结果还是提示“Due to technical difficulties, your domain(s) could not be registered at this time. Our technical support team will contact you soon regarding your domain registration”
同一个名字的客服Mark Porter就开始说我的信用卡有问题,让我联系发卡银行,我又换了几张信用卡,期间不断与客服沟通,但因为试的次数太多,账号被系统暂停了,貌似等48小时才能解封。另外DNS ZONE管理界面也比较简陋。现在只求域名转出费用别太对,明年赶紧转走。
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发表于 2013-10-12 05:04:06 | 显示全部楼层
现在好像回到  10.68$了

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