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发表于 2014-3-6 13:15:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一个新站,谷歌站长工具抓取错误,如图,绿色的勾说明有错误还是没错误呢?如果有错误,网站错误和网址错误这两项是不是暗示我主机空间不行,得换了? 我在淘宝买的共享空间。


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-6 13:19:51 | 显示全部楼层
再补充一下,第二个错误:网址错误我查了下是找不到这个网页:www.mydomain/comments/feed/ 网页不存在,googlebot查找时出现404错误。不知咋解决呢。
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-6 13:39:13 | 显示全部楼层
Well, the second problem has been solved. The reason why domain/comments/ and domain/comments/feed produce 404 error is simply because there is no comment following any post at all.

But for the first Stie Error, I am still confused. Wonder if the green ticks mean no error or errors. If they means errors, do these errors indicate my host is bad enough?

Thanks for your early reply.

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发表于 2014-3-6 13:56:26 | 显示全部楼层
disallow: /feed/                                            
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发表于 2014-3-6 14:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
the green ticks means everything goes well.

your second Error, it's comment's feed page, you can think whether need this page or not? if not you can cancle it. i saw your http header check is 404, if there is no path in your site, just wait for some day, Google will delet the index.

you have good English easy question you can find the answer via Baidu/Google. Google webmater tool also has help file.

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