发表于 2014-3-20 18:01:16
本帖最后由 zhaoniupai 于 2014-3-20 18:03 编辑
若风 发表于 2014-3-20 17:41
不知道在哪里设置啊..哪里可以设置啊? 我没试过哈,以下是解决方案:
登录英国AMAZON的后台应该可以看到这段话:大意是说,你可以将英国的AMAZON账户收款方式改成非英国的银行账户,只要接受Amazon Currency Converterterms&condition(亚马逊货币转换的条款和协议) 即可。更改后,你收款的时间也不会有延误
输入银行帐户的时候选择美国帐户,然后再最后勾选 I accept terms and conditions....就可以了
Bank location country : United States
Where you will be paid (default)
9-Digit Routing number (我们为你提供的9位数ABA 号码)
Bank Account Number (P卡所绑定的美国银行账户号码)
Re-type your bank account number (再次输入)
Bank Account Holder Name :(你的账户姓名,可保持和AMZ一致)
Currency Converstion Payment Agreement: 点击: I accept the terms andcondition …(确认你接受条款)
最后提交: Submit
My bank is based in a country supported by Amazon Currency Converterfor Sellers ,how do I get paid ?
When you enter a non-uk bank account ,you must acceptthe terms and conditions for using Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers toreceive payment to such bank account . Every Disbursement willauthomatically be transferred to your locak bank in the local currency .If youswitch to another non –uk bank ,you must accept the Amazon Currency Converterfor Sellers Terms and Conditions again when you enter your new bank details
Isn’t my payment going to take more time because it is an internationaltransfer ?
No. Your payment may be delayed by a few minuters ,but you should receive yourfunds into your bank account on the same date as you did with your UK bankaccount .
1: When you elect to use Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers ,you are onlyasking us to change the currency in which we make each Disbursement (and anynecessary Reverse Transaction) to the currency of the country in which yourbank account is located (“Your Bank Location Currency “) rather than thecurrency paid by customers on the Amazon Site ,You are not tendering payment inone currency and receiving from us another currency .