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Erica Stone又来信 这就是高质量的文章

发表于 2014-3-29 18:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Straight Line - the Road to Passive Amazon Commissions is LIVE

$454 from a Site I've Touched Only Once in 6 Months

Now, that's what I call passive.  This is the site that you OBI members have come to know pretty well.  Someone asked me the other day how much time I was spending on the site each week (which actually made me feel a little guilty because I hadn't spent time on it at all!).  

But that's why I like building Amazon review sites!  I can work on them when I want and whether or not I touch them they earn money - regularly.  Month after month.  

I put up a couple of posts last June, 13 posts last August, and only one post (a short one - less than 500 words) between then and now.  

In that six months where I did nothing but one post the site made over $454 in Amazon commissions.  A tiny 16 post site - and the commissions are growing.

I didn't build a ton of backlinks, buy any backlinks, or gather any followers.  I just researched and I wrote.

I know some don't believe it's possible to make sales without building backlinks so I wanted to put some information together that would sort of paint the picture about how the site looks "under the hood".  

Hence the creation of:

Straight Line - the Road to Passive Amazon Commissions

What's inside?  A LOT of STUFF!

There's really 2 parts to this package.  First, there's a PDF that reveals as much stat information as I could think to pull together regarding this $454 review site with hardly any backlinks:
  • Traffic reports
  • Sales reports
  • What plug-ins I'm using
  • Site speed reports
  • Clicks to Amazon
  • Numbers of products sold
  • Backlink data
  • Post counts
  • Average word counts per post
  • How many affiliate links I'm using on posts
  • The competition for the niche
Anything I could come up with that would help someone else compare notes and maybe find where there site doesn't line up and might be struggling is in the package.  I don't share the URL for the site but you'll learn a lot, I believe, from the numbers and set up.  (Maybe you're not struggling but you want to see where your site EXCELS!  That would be useful info, too.)
In addition the entire set of 23 assignments that I've given to my one-on-one coaching students is included.  Now, you don't get my over-the-shoulder I'm-watching-your-every-move support with this package (of course, that may sometimes drive my students nuts) but you get darn close for a lot less.  
Then there are 3 bonuses:
  • One of my coaching students, Rochelle, learned so much that she put together an entire PDF on what she learned, mistakes she made, AND (I love this part) tips she uses to get the work done more quickly.  She's really developed some great methods for pushing her site along and she's shared them in an easy to read, easy to follow PDF.
  • The top questions asked by the coaching students (and my responses) like "How on earth are we going to rank without building tons of backlinks?" (You know who you are and I've loved every discussion!)
  • The free plug-ins and settings I use to speed up my site response time (Yup - the settings you can put into that complicated W3 Total Cacheplug-in)
You know me - I could keep writing but then you'll miss out on the early dime-sale pricing so that's it.  If you want to read more you can find the package here:
Straight Line - the Road to Passive Amazon Commissions
Erica Stone


牛人的培训文章很有说服力,只要你买过他的书,她就定期给你发送有价值的信息,号召你参加她的培训 或购买她的书 她只是一个家庭主妇而已 加油  发表于 2014-3-29 18:23

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发表于 2014-3-29 18:40:52 | 显示全部楼层
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