
楼主 |
发表于 2014-9-6 15:08:48
非常小黑 发表于 2014-9-6 14:44
根本就不是你们说的图标的问题。也不是声明的问 ...
| Hello from the Amazon Associates Program.
While reviewing your account in response to your inquiry, I was unable to verify that the means through which you are referring customers to the Amazon site are in compliance with the terms of the Associates Program Operating Agreement. Therefore, we request that you provide us with a detailed description of the methods you are using to refer customers to the Amazon site. If, based on your response, we are unable to verify that your methods are compliant with the Operating Agreement, we will not be able to reinstate your account.
The description you send should include, for example, identification of the sites on which your banner ads are posted, advertising services you are using, screenshots of your site’s analytics tools that show your site traffic and its sources, the keywords you are using to drive referrals, and any other information that would be relevant to confirming the your compliance with the Operating Agreement, which can be found here: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/agreement.
Please send the requested information to us by using the Contact Us form available here:
We appreciate your understanding and hope to hear from you soon. |