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发表于 2014-9-21 13:12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文地址: ... on-loans-e-t-c.html
原文: How I rank peoples sites for terms like credit cards, holidays in{location}, loans e.t.c

One thing I notice on this forum is the crazy amount of people who reckon they get a slap because of a service, because competition spammed your site blah blah blah - Blame anyone except yourself

You know why you don't rank your websites for more than a few months?

Two words = Link Diversity

This is a thread is a shrunk down guide of the process that I run through when I get hold of a new site or client, I stick by it and to date I have NEVER been affected by ANY google panda updates (expect for sites I have deliberately got slapped to test for our SEO networks , see Sig)

However, I have seen some small dances in Google and this is down a to handful of sites I may have had links on getting slapped but shit happens

I'm not going do into the details of onpage SEO, there is loads of guides on this forum so use the search function but I will say this.........If your onpage SEO is shit then YOU ARE WASTING YOUR MONEY so step up

Anyway this is what I do for new and old sites

Check the competition

Not just the competition for 1 keyword but I put all the keywords together and see which sites come up the most and then pull all of the backlinks from SEOmoz and MajesticSEO

I then filter the backlinks down to 4 link types and mark them like below

1: Free and achievable like directory's, social bookmarks, link.html/.php pages and I work these links

2: Time consuming links like web 2.0, guest posts I work out an action plan

3: Links that cost and this will include advertising links, private networks. basically anything that you can tell that your competition has paid for

4: Crap links, scraped blah blah (crap you don't want)

The whole purpose of the process above is to find links that you can copy or pinch, work the list and grab what you can

Once you have done that you should be able to work out what you can get away with on your own website link campaign

Did you know most of you get slapped?

Take a look at the term term car insurance in Google and run a quick backlink check on the top 10 results, do you notice anything?

If you don't then what you should be noticing is that 80% of the sites aiming for car insurance terms are really heavy on link buying and press releases, you know why Google doesn't slap the big boys? (expect for when Google decide to out some big company like Jpenny or Gocompare)

Well its simple really, they don't because of the amount of sites that do the exact same thing and this is why you get caught cheating quicker then they do.

What you guys do is jump into a niche without checking your competition, batter your sites with the same old senuke links, AMR and scrapebox which looks completely different to what your competition might be doing...........You raise your own flags to Google, you're pretty much standing there with your pants round your knees waiting for a kick up the arse

If your competition doesn't have 100 blog post links then don't waste your own time buying tons of blog links, instead use blog links to strengthen and mix up the links you have copied from your competition

Once you know your market and competition

If you have done the above you can start to REALLY step up your SEO


Firstly you DO need decent content, once a month write a 1000 article based on your niche then run a search in Google, grab the first 100 or so sites and email them with 2 things in mind

1: You want a guest blog/give content
2: You want them to link to your nice article

You will be surprised on how well this can work, I also add press releases to this and email that to target sites

Use software like Tweetdeck and open up all of the columns and keep and eye on terms like "guest blog +keyword" I have 2 tweet-attacks open at once for 10 hours a day, as soon as I see someone post in my niche Ill reply to them and blag a guest post and I normally get around 6-10 posts a day just from this (Ok I have content writers on my team)

I also keep an eye on sites like and set up alarts for terms like "guest blog +keyword" and from this ill get a further 2-10 posts every couple of days


A way to gain authority quickly is to donate some to high pageranked sites, I have a list of 50+ pr5+ websites that take donations in return for a link for anything between $30-$500

I won't share this list but use terms like "open source software" "Donated" and have a good shop around, I normally spend about £1000-£2000 on a startup site doing this. I do not use direct anchor text links but I use brand + keyword

This will get your domain trusted by Google, it does help with SERPs but remember this is about authority only, from doing this I can normally get a PR0 site to PR5/6 within a few months (along with other link stuff)

High end web directory's/business directory's

Personally I hate them but they're token links and they DO gain you trust from Google

Randomise brand linking

When you have done the above you should start throwing in web 2.0 links, social bookmarks blah blah blah

What I mean with this is that you do everything under your brand, sign up to the accounts under your brands and use UNIQUE and QUALITY content, focus your anchor links like brand +keyword

Don't worry about footprints, Google DO NOT mind you promoting your site/brand, what they DO MIND is you spamming the shit out of the internet, make EVERYTHING look like a marketing campaign not an SEO campaign


You should only do this once you have spent a couple of months doing the above, if you do the above for a a while then you should have already fitted in with your competition and stayed under the radar

Don't think to yourself that now you have done all of the work you can simply outsource the rest and be done with it (well sort of)

You need to keep your links random and and you certainly need to outwit your competition, if they have 100 link network links then you need 200 but make sure that yours are from different services or networks

If they have 500 directory links then order 200 from one service, then 200 from another service then do 400 of your own submissions

The same goes for any types of links, copy the competition then hit harder with than competition but don't put the eggs in the same basket

Stay focused and don't be lazy, gain authority along with SERP position and you will be laughing to the bank

And my last tip of the day is this..............

Your SEO campaign can seriously damage your website value if you ever wanted to sell it, say you have a websites that's earning 50k a month but you have a black and white link profile of spammy one track links, its not if you get caught its WHEN you get caught and more and more businesses have clocked on to this so your website would be worth nothing betime a decent SEO tears your site apart if you chose to sell it

Anyway, I hope that helps at least one of you








并不只是一个词的竞争度,我把所有关键词汇到一起,看哪个网站最常出现,我用SEOmoz 和 MajesticSEO把他所有的外链都刮下来。


1、免费的,可获得的链接:像目录提交、社会书签、link.html/.php pages等,我会做这些外链



在谷歌里搜索car insurance,快速看看排名前10网站的外链,注意到什么了吗?



你们这些人,没检查竞争就进入一个niche,然后给你的网站做同样的旧的senuke链接,AMR 和 scrapebox,这些链接明显和你的竞争对手的不同。你自己向谷歌竖起了红旗。就像你脱下了裤子,等待谷歌踢你一脚。







使用软件如Tweetdeck,搜索词语像"guest blog +keyword"。只要我看到有人在我的niche范围内发文章,我会回复他们,请求客座博客。就这样我一天可以发6-10篇文章(我团队里有内容写手)


一种快速获得网站权重的方法是,向一些高pr的网站捐钱。我手头有一份50+ pr5+的网站列表。你可以捐献$30-$500来获得一个链接。

我不会共享这份列表。你可以搜索这些词语"open source software" "Donated"。网站开始我会花大约£1000-£2000。我使用品牌名+关键词做锚文本。


















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