(January 25, 2006) - Q&A With AIT CEO Clarence Briggs
AIT's outspoken CEO Clarence Briggs feels strongly that Google is not doing enough to stop click fraud, and that the search engine company should be held accountable.
(January 11, 2006) - AIT’s Holy War Goes To Hell
AIT, who took over the lead in a class action lawsuit against Google last month, has launched a new anti-click-fraud website to track fraudulent affiliate networks. With the usual dramatic rhetoric, CEO Clarence Briggs and company have named their site "IGeryon," after a monster in Dante's Inferno.
(January 05, 2006) - Pornographers Turn to Click-Fraud
"The industry concern is that the more these ads are syndicated broadly, the more potential there is for click fraud," SEMPO spokesperson Greg Jarboe said. ...
(December 29, 2005) - How Click Fraud Could Swallow the Internet
Pay-per-click advertising is big, big, big business. So are bogus hits on Internet ads. It's search giants against scam artists in an arms race that could crash the entire online economy.
(December 16, 2005) - AIT Weaves Tales Of Click-Fraud Networks
Web-hosting company AIT CEO Clarence Briggs can't tell you much about the company's taking over the lead for Click Defense in a class action lawsuit against Google. "It's a bunch of legal stuff," he says. What he can do is take you on a journey of retailers that sell click fraud software, of affiliate networks set up to dupe advertisers with automated clicks, and computer geeks with mob-like tendencies.
(September 22, 2005) - Kanoodle and Click Fraud
...proven search marketing campaign to Kanoodle for one week, and experienced not-so-pleasent results.
(September 08, 2005) - The Truth - Adsense Click Fraud Can Not Be Stopped
Estimates say that nearly 20% of all clicks for Adsense are illegitimate. In my honest opinion I believe this number to be around 30-35% from some of the things I have seen.
(September 01, 2005) - When clicks are clinkers
When Danielle Leitch first started speaking about click fraud at industry forums a little more than a year ago, few in her audiences knew what click fraud was...
(July 01, 2005) - Advertiser Sues Google Over Click Fraud
Google knows that click fraud is rampant in its pay-per-click advertising program and hasn't seriously attempted to prevent this practice.
(June 21, 2005) - SearchTHIS: Click Fraud On the Rise
If you have a spare moment, count the number of times per day you are exposed to some type of fraud on the web. Yesterday, I got six emails from phony eBay complaining that I hadn’t spent enough time updating my profile.
(June 06, 2005) - BlowSearch Tackles Click Fraud
When I first heard of BlowSearch I thought it might be a search engine for porn.
(May 02, 2005) - Click Fraud Threatens Rising Online Ad Revenue
The extent of click fraud varies. Estimates range from next to nothing in certain markets to 20% of all clicks. Hence, advertisers have become more tech-savvy and proactive in looking at their data, negotiating with search engines for refunds and auditing for click fraud.
(May 01, 2005) - SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT: Search Engine Marketing
There`s no doubt that search engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing for online retailers. Nearly half of retailers ranked search engine marketing as somewhat or much better than other forms of marketing for their web sites in a recent survey by Internet Retailer. That proportion is surprisingly high given that 75% of users of search engine marketing have been at it for four years or less.
(April 28, 2005) - Click Fraud Pyramid Scheme?
Gary Price is now one of those people I talk to on a daily basis, one way or an other, and I am learning a lot. Today he showed me a site named Paid2Google.com which is a form of pyramid scheme to encourage click fraud. One basically gets paid per search you make that triggers a paid result. The program is called Netbux and it is explain here.
(April 18, 2005) - A Look at Search Engine Click Fraud
The Washington Post takes a look at the recent lawsuits and scandal surrounding potential click fraud. So how do the search engines tackle click fraud?
(March 10, 2005) - Click Fraud In The Spotlight
With click fraud getting increasing attention in the mainstream media, search engines are under pressure to address the issue more proactively and publicly, industry experts told ClickZ News.
(March 04, 2005) - Experts: Policing Affiliates Big Challenge for PPC Engines
Pay-per-click search companies difficulties' adequately policing their affiliate distribution partners is one of the bigger challenges facing the search marketing industry, experts said.
(February 18, 2005) - Click Fraud: What It Is, How to Fight It
There's a crisis brewing in this industry. Poor click quality has the potential to hit marketers hard and to negatively affect search engines. It manifests itself in many ways, including as network click fraud, competitive click fraud, and mislabeled traffic.
(January 11, 2005) - Click Fraud: Somebody Is Cheating You
Click fraud has been discussed among the affiliate and search engine marketing (SEM) communities for several years. Yet many online media buyers are unfamiliar with the term. Admittedly, when I began researching this topic, the first thing I learned was that I've got a lot to learn about click fraud.
(January 02, 2005) - The Click, the fraud and the Ugly Side of Search
"There may be multi-million dollar companies who aren’t crying about it, but they’re sure pissed off about it. And to some of them it might just be another bunch of spread sheets and budgets. But to the smaller advertisers, this is their livelihood. They can’t afford to bleed 10,000 dollars a month!"
(July 29, 2004) - Lost Per Click: Search Advertising & Click Fraud
Click fraud -- the practice of clicking on a text advertisement served by a search engine for the sole purpose of forcing the advertiser to pay for the click -- is emerging as an important concern for search engine marketers.
(May 03, 2004) - India’s Secret Army of Online Ad “Clickers”
With her baby on her lap, Maya Sharma (name changed) gets down to work every evening from her eighth-floor flat at Vasant Vihar. Maya's job is to click on online advertisements. She doesn't care about the ads, but diligently keeps count — it's $0.18 to $0.25 per click.
(February 07, 2004) - Click Fraud: Is it Happening to You?
Navigating the pay-per-click search engines can be truly exciting from a business owner's standpoint. No other form of advertising rivals the interactivity of being able to turn your web site's advertisement on and off like a light switch. Bam! You're number one in Yahoo - what could be easier. : : |