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weekly news: 日本拟捕杀座头鲸 遭各方强烈谴责

发表于 2007-11-23 08:14:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Japan under fire for humpback hunt
  Japan came under a storm of criticism Monday for going ahead with its largest whale hunt yet.
  Defying warnings from its Western allies that it would inflame anemotional row on whaling, Japan on Sunday sent its fleet to theAntarctic Ocean. The hunt will include famed humpback whales for thefirst time.
  A ship of Greenpeace environmentalists tried --so far in vain -- to track down the six-vessel whaling fleet as theUnited States, Australia, Britain and New Zealand all spoke out againstthe catch.
  Japan, where whale meat is an important part ofpeople’s food, plans to kill 950 whales on the five-month mission usinga loophole in a 1986 global moratorium that allows "lethal research"with scientific purpose on the giant mammals.
  Australia’sopposition Labor Party, which is leading in polls ahead of nationalelections Saturday, said it would send out the navy to track theJapanese whalers and take video footage if it takes power.
  Prime Minister John Howard said while "I totally disagree" with Japanese whaling, he opposed bringing in the military.
  The US acknowledged Japan’s right to conduct the hunt, but urged it to "refrain" from doing so.
  "While recognising Japan’s legal right under the whaling convention toconduct this hunt, we note that non-lethal research techniques areavailable to provide nearly all relevant data on whale populations,"State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.
  Theenvironmental group Greenpeace’s Esperanza ship was trying to find thefleet but said that the whalers had turned off identification equipment.
  "If they’re so confident they were doing the right thing, theyshouldn’t have anything to hide, but obviously they do," Greenpeaceactivist Dave Walsh said.
  Humpback whales, protected under a1966 worldwide moratorium by International Whaling Commission afteryears of overhunting, are renowned for their complex songs andacrobatic displays.
  Matt Damon named ‘sexiest man alive’
  Matt Damon, 37-year-old actor, named the "sexiest man alive" by Peoplemagazine -- the honor he said was a surprise to him, media reports saidThursday.
  "You gave an aging suburban dad the ego boost of alifetime," he says in a letter published in People’s annual issue, "My9-year-old stepdaughter now thinks I’m cool -- well, cooler."
  Damon, who has a 1-year-old daughter, Isabella, with Bozan, says "allthe campaigning" by Clooney and Pitt had finally paid off.
  "Unfortunately, after all those years out on the trail, the meet andgreets, the fund raisers, the stump speeches, I’ve finally come toterms with the fact that this is a mantle I wasn’t meant to hold." hesays in the letter, which was signed "Matty."
  "Don’t get mewrong, though. I was really shocked and happy (Lucy said I actuallyblushed) when I heard the news. So I can’t thank you enough for that."
  Damon won a screenwriting Oscar with Ben Affleck in 1998 for "Good Will Hunting." Both Damon and Affleck starred in the movie.
  He has also starred in "The Departed," "Syriana," the "Ocean’s"franchise with Clooney and Pitt, and "The Bourne Identity" and its twosequels.
  People’s "sexiest man alive" list began in 1985with Mel Gibson. Others on the list: George Clooney (1997 and 2006),Brad Pitt (1995 and 2000), Denzel Washington (1996) and Johnny Depp(2003).
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