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BLACK BOX card是什么来的啊

发表于 2007-11-25 17:46:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-25 20:05:58 | 显示全部楼层
:mad: 没人答我啊
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发表于 2007-11-25 20:12:39 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-25 20:13:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-25 20:13:55 | 显示全部楼层
Private Members Area

You Now Have PRIVATE, UNLIMITED ACCESS to This Massive Premium Giveaway Worth Over $10,686.84+
Absolutely Free!

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** This Page Is Being Moved This Week To A More Secure Location.

Now You Can Do More Than Merely Dream About Success...

“Here's Your Chance To Steal The Keys
To A $10,686.84 Marketing Vault...
And Access The SAME Money-Getting Plan That Made A 24-Year-Old Kid $141,320.50 In Under 2 Weeks!”
The Best Part Is... It’s FREE!
Grab Instant Access To Over 64 Top Quality, *Premium* Internet Marketing Products, Services, Software, Site Generators, Scripts, Tools, Video Courses, Audio Courses, Membership Sites, Resell Rights, Master Resell Rights, Private Label Rights And Instant Salesletters

Worth Over $10,686.84 In Real Value
(And Growing Daily)

Plus A Step-By-Step Plan To
Turn That Knowledge Into Outstanding Success


Click Here To See All Products Currently Available
For FREE Inside The Operation BLACK BOX Members Area
(Opens In A New Window)

Operation BLACK BOX
Charter Membership
Instant Account Creation Form

Register Below For Your FREE "Black Key Card"
& Gain Instant Access To The Operation BLACK BOX
Charter Membership

Live Server Status as of Sunday 25th November 2007 ...

Operation BLACK BOX Charter Memberships (FREE) (still available)

YES Sean! I would like to immediately secure my Operation BLACK BOX Charter Membership. I understand that my Operation BLACK BOX Charter Membership is 100% FREE and I get instant access to over $10,686.84 worth of premium, paid products I would normally pay a fortune for elsewhere.

Because I'm registering today, I'm guaranteeing my Operation BLACK BOX Charter Membership spot and I will continue to receive new products as they are added to the membership absolutely free, no strings attached!

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The Secret Origin of Operation BLACK BOX...
From: Sean Wu & The "Mission Impossible" Team
Date: Sunday 25th November 2007

Dear Friend,

L et me tell you a tragic story I’m sure you can relate to.

About a year ago, I released my first best-seller called "Tag And Ping – The Next Generation of Blog And Ping!"

It was a great product and a great idea at that time... and the marketplace snatched up thousands of copies of it like hotcakes in the middle of a starving crowd.

And within just over a week of the official launch, I made $141,320.50 in sales and the orders kept pouring in day and night. Here is a screenshot of my payment processor at that time:

(The official launch date was 06 June, 2006.
I've set the reporting to start from 01 May, 2006 because I had
sold some copies before the actual launch.
Certain figures are blurred for privacy purposes.)
Shortly afterwards, I became known as the "Tag And Ping Kid" (although I have to admit – I’m not really a kid anymore at 25 years old ) and became much sought after for my expertise in the realm of social bookmarking and Web 2.0.

Teleseminar invitations started pouring in...

Seminar speaking requests popped up left and right...

(Me onstage talking about Tag And Ping and Web 2.0)
Meanwhile, my other businesses and "content websites" were also chugging along very nicely...

(Income statement from one program.
Certain figures are blurred for privacy purposes.)

All was going well...

Until I Checked My Monthly Internet Expenses
(You Know, The Money I Spent Buying Stuff Online)
And then and there I realized that...


As fast as I was making money from my various ventures, I was spending money just as quickly buying up product-after-product as they are furiously released to the "internet marketing" marketplace.

I’m sure you’ve gone through a similar experience...

The "next big thing" kept popping up everywhere.

The "latest, greatest" software and gizmos launched and launched – one after the other.

I kept buying product after product, for fear of "losing out" on the latest "secrets".

I kept spending, paying...

$7... $17... $27... $47... $97... $147... $197... $297... $497... $797... $997... $1497... $2,997... $10,000!

The Product Launches Kept Coming and
I Kept Buying, Buying, Buying and

And I wasn't alone...

People started coming up to me at Internet Marketing seminars. They all asked the same question:

"Where Do You Start?"
"Which Products Do You REALLY Need?"
The more they bought, the more confused they became. "How can I achieve your success?" They asked me.

It was then that I knew something had to be done with this gaping problem.

Someone had to stop this MADNESS.

And so I went UNDERCOVER for five months, racking my brains up and picking apart my operation. What were the essential steps that I used to make 100's of thousands of dollars online?

I gave my secret mission the codename "Operation BLACK BOX" and never told a soul about it until now.

And then I finally figured out...

The Information Age is DEAD!
Long Live the Recommendation Age!
Face it. There is way too much information. You can spend 20 hours a day learning, studying and cramming without ever making a dent in the stack of DVD's, CD's, and Books on your desk, let alone the AVI, MP3, and PDF files on your desktop...

That was when I realized that the secret was to follow a proven, successful plan. First, I realized that I was sitting on a goldmine of internet marketing products that I had rights to.

Now I could put together ALL of my resell rights, master resell rights, private label rights, exclusive products, software, tools and scripts (you name it!) that I had rights to together...

You know, products that are being sold for $27-$497 or more every day. (Of course, I weeded out all the digital junk and cr*ppy products – and made sure that only the highest quality, real *PAID* products I paid dearly for are included.)

But I knew that wasn’t enough...

You wanted to know where to start and what to do first. What would I do if I was starting out all over again? It' s not an easy question to answer. Imagine asking Tiger Woods how he hits such amazing shots.

He would probably say, "Well, I take a golf club, swing it at a golf ball, hit it and watch it roll into the hole..."

Big help, right? And that was my problem, too. I was so close to what I did on a day by day basis, I found it hard to describe to anyone. So I went undercover for five long months, recording my every move.

That's what a Black Box on an airplane does. It records everything so that if something happens. The investigators have a record and can reconstruct (repeat) what happened.

I wanted Operation BLACK BOX to be simple, easy and effective for you to repeat my success. I looked at my vast library and threw out 80% of it... Most of it confused me. I was pretty sure it would confuse you as well.

I took what was left, organized it, and set priorities for maximum impact on your bottom line.

I also used my relationships and connections with other top internet marketers (I contacted almost every internet marketer I knew) to secure even more PAID & premium products to add to the arsenal.

Top Producing Professionals like...

Meet The "Mission Impossible" Team
Of Internet Marketers
Michael Campbell
Jason James
Dr. Mani
Richard Quek
Ben Shaffer
Michael Nicholas
Frank Sousa
Paul Kleinmeulman
Joe Cooper
Holly Cotter
Simon Grabowski
Eva Browne-Paterson
Scott Patton Tim Carter
Melvin Perry
Kevin Anderson
Quentin Brown
Frank Bauer
Amar Mehta
Brian T. Edmondson
Melvin Ng
John Ridgway
Nick Smith
Detlev Reimer
Dan Klatt
Ted Prodromou Anik Singal
Bob Bastian
Edmund Loh
Liz Tomey
Pawan Agrawal
Stanley Tang
John Ridgway
Stephen Luc
Jamie Ratliff
Michael Lee
John Tan
Guido Nussbaum
Juan Pablo Cangas

I then resolved that from now on, any product I acquire with rights will also be added to this exclusive membership site, regardless of the price! With ONE condition... it had to fit in with my criteria for building success online.

In other words, I was not about to add 50 products to my list just because it is impressive to give away 50 products. I know I would prefer to have one piece of software, one course, or one idea that made us $50,000 than 257 products, software and courses that made me nothing.

I wanted to give you quality, not quantity, plus a proven path to success.

And finally, (I was told that I was absolutely nuts – insane – to do this)...

I decided to just outright GIVE IT ALL AWAY... FOR FREE! (But only existing members & partners are allowed to invite new members "by invitation" – and since you’re reading this, you’ve been invited!)

  Introducing the...

Operation BLACK BOX
Charter Membership

An All-In-One FREE Premium Membership Site Giving You Instant Access To Over $10,686.84 (And Growing Daily) Worth of *Premium* Internet Marketing Products + A Plan To Turn That Knowledge Into Outstanding Success!

You Name It: Top Quality Internet Marketing Products, Services, Software, Site Generators, Scripts, Tools, Video Courses, Audio Courses, Membership Sites, Resell Rights, Master Resell Rights, Private Label Rights, Instant Salesletters And More!

WARNING! This Is NOT Your Typical, Average "Resell Rights/Free Internet Marketing Membership" Where You Get A Bunch Of Old, Useless Digital Crap Filled With Affiliate Links

These Are *REAL*, *TOP QUALITY* PAID Products
That Are Being Sold For $27-$497 Right Now!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-25 20:14:21 | 显示全部楼层
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