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news: 小孩子看大明星:布兰妮最淘气 茱丽最乖

发表于 2007-12-5 08:31:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Britney and Paris top Santa’s naughty list: poll
  WhenBritney Spears and Paris Hilton open their stockings on Christmas Day,they shouldn’t be surprised to find a lump of coal.
  A poll of American children released on Wednesday found that the two high-profile celebrities should top Santa’s naughty list.
  By contrast Disney star Hannah Montana was overwhelming deemed the"nicest" celebrity among children aged 2 to 12 while actress AngelinaJulie was the choice for teenagers 13 to 17.
  The onlinesurvey of 1,107 children was conducted by E-Poll Market Research, whichspecializes in celebrity and brand research, to gauge children’sattitudes about nice, naughty, and the seasonal question of who makesSanta’s list.
  Spears, whose stint in rehabilitation,panty-less pictures, and custody battle for her children has wonheadlines globally, was awarded top "naughty" honors with younger andolder children.
  She was followed on the list by heiress Paris Hilton who spent three weeks in jail this year on a probation violation.
  The two women beat out Swiper the Fox from the television show Dorathe Explorer, the Grinch from the book "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"and Darth Vader from Star Wars among children 2-12.
  Forteens, Spears and Hilton topped Lindsay Lohan, who spent 84 minutesbehind bars this year for a drunken driving and caffeine possesionconviction, and Beyonce.
  When asked what makes someone nice,children mentioned "cleaning up and doing chores," "sharing" and "beinghonest and polite" as ways to impress Santa.
  On the flipside, they mentioned "not listening to parents," "being mean andbullying" and "being snobby" as behaviors exhibited by those headed forthe naughty list.
  相比之下,迪斯尼明星“汉娜•蒙塔纳” 倍受青睐,她被两岁至12岁的儿童评为“最乖巧的”名人;而13岁至17岁的孩子则最青睐影星安吉利娜•茱丽。
  Bin Laden urges Europe to quit Afghanistan
  Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden urged European countries to end theirmilitary cooperation with US forces in Afghanistan, in an audio tapeaired by Al Jazeera television on Thursday.
  He said Americanpower was waning and it would be wise for the Europeans to quickly endtheir role in Afghanistan, where many European countries contribute tothe 50,000-strong NATO and US-led coalition forces.
  "Withthe grace of God ... the American tide is receding and they wouldeventually return to their home across the Atlantic ... It is in yourinterest to force the hand of your politicians (away from) the WhiteHouse," said Bin Laden.
  In Washington, a US counterterrorismofficial said the voice on the audio tape appeared to be Bin Laden’s.It was not immediately clear when the new message was recorded.
  The United States led the invasion of Afghanistan to depose itsTaliban rulers in late 2001, after they refused to hand over Bin Ladenand other al Qaeda leaders following the September 11 attacks on theUnited States.
  Bin Laden did not make any threat in theportions of the recording aired by Jazeera. The full tape is yet to bereleased by an Islamist Web site.
  In the portions aired by Jazeera, bin Laden said the Taliban had no knowledge of plans for the 2001 attacks.
  "I am the one responsible... The Afghan people and government knewnothing whatsoever about these events," he said, adding that the UnitedStates had not provided any evidence of Taliban involvement to justifyits invasion.
  "Europe marched behind it with no choice but to be a lackey," Bin Laden said.
  "I’m addressing you (Europeans) and not your politicians ... (who)like to be in the shadow of the White House as many world leaders," hesaid, naming current and former leaders of Britain, France, Spain andItaly, including French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British PrimeMinister Gordon Brown.
  The United States has been urging itsNATO allies to send more troops to Afghanistan, but European nationsremain reluctant to commit further reinforcements.
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