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news: 布什又犯口误 报错电话号码

发表于 2007-12-13 10:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bush says dial 1-800-OOPS for housing help
  UShomeowners who could face crippling mortgage payments will have a hardtime getting help if they call a telephone number President George W.Bush recommended on Thursday -- he gave them the wrong number.
  "I have a message for every homeowner worried about rising mortgagepayments: The best you can do for your family is to call1-800-995-HOPE," Bush said after a White House meeting withadministration officials and lenders on a new plan to help.
  Unfortunately he was a couple digits off, it is actually1-888-995-HOPE. That gets you through to the Homeownership PreservationFoundation, a non-profit group which offers free housing counsellingfor homeowners.
  Moments after Bush completed his remarks, aWhite House aide told reporters the president misspoke and gave thecorrect number.
  Calls by the reporters to the wrong numberBush gave out were met with an engaged tone. A search on the Internetshowed it belongs to the Freedom Christian Academy which offersreligious-based curriculum for home schooling and is located in Ponder,Texas.
  President Bush had announced an agreement to freezerates on some subprime mortgages. The agreement between the governmentand the lending industry would freeze rates for five years on somevariable rate mortgages and provide assistance to as many as 1.2million homeowners.
  Beatles hairdresser selling memorabilia
  A lock of John Lennon’s hair is being put up for sale.
  Lennon gave Betty Glasow, the Beatles’ hairdresser, the lock of hairin a copy of his book "A Spaniard in the Works." In the dedication hewrote, "To Betty, Lots of Love and Hair, John Lennon."
  OnWednesday, fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and Beatlesautographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction inWorthing, in southern England.
  The book — with the hair still inside — could fetch as much as $6,200, said Nick Muston, director of Gorringes auction house.
  Glasow, who kept the Beatles’ moptops trimmed on the set of the films"A Hard Day’s Night" and "Help!" decided to sell the items because shewanted fans to have them, Muston said.
  "She feels thatrather than these things being stuck in a drawer with nobody enjoyingthem, real enthusiasts (could) get their hands on these things," Mustonsaid.
  Other items in the sale include signed photographs ofthe Beatles dedicated to Glasow, including one where George Harrisonsigned George "Dandruff" Harrison.
  Another lot includes aticket and a screw from one of the seats at a 1965 Beatles ChristmasConcert at Hammersmith Apollo in London, where fans ripped out seats sothey could dance in the aisles.
  Glasow has also worked with a number of actors, such as Harrison Ford.
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