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发表于 2008-1-28 09:56:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
張騫出使西域,開拓舉世聞名的“絲綢之路”。Imperial envoy Zhang Qian's trip to the “West” inthe Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) over 2,000 years ago opened up theworld-famous Silk Road;

Eminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) brought backancient culture after braving long journey to South Asian countries.

明代鄭和“七下西洋”,把中華文化傳向遠方的國度。In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Chinesenavigator Cheng Ho led a fleet to what that then people called the"West Sea" seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chineseculture to distant land.

但是後來特別是清代晚期,封建統治者實行閉關鎖國政策,阻礙了中國的進步和中外交流。Only later on, especially inlate Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion,which hampered China's progress and its exchanges with the outsideworld.

鴉片戰爭以來,一代又一代先進的中國人,為了振興中華,努力向西方國家學習先進的科學思想和文明成果,並同中國的實際相結合,推動了中國社會的變革與發展。After the Opium War (1840-1842), generation after generation ofenlightened Chinese people have, for national rejuvenation, spared noefforts in learning from Western countries advanced science andcultural achievements in combination with China's realities and pushingfor China's social reforms and development.

今天,正在為實現現代化而奮鬥的中國人民,把對外開放作為一項基本國策,同世界各國進行廣泛的交流與合作,開創了中國歷史上嶄新的開放局面。Today,the Chinese people who are struggling to achieve modernization havemade the opening-up a basic state policy and conducted extensiveexchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world, thus creating abrand-new situation in its opening-up endeavor in the Chinese history.

陽光包含7種色彩,世界也是異彩紛呈。Sunlight is composed of seven colors, so is our world full of colors and splendor.

每個國家、每個民族都有自己的歷史文化傳統,都有自己的長處和優勢,Every country and every nation has itsown historical and cultural traditions, strong points and advantages.

應該相互尊重,相互學習,取長補短,共同進步。We should respect and learn from each other anddraw upon other's strong points to offset one's own deficiencies forachieving common progress.

中國在自己發展的長河中,形成了優良的歷史文化傳統。這些傳統,隨著時代變遷和社會進步獲得揚棄和發展。In the prolongedcourse of development, China has formed its fine historical andcultural traditions, which have been either developed or discarded withthe changes of the times and social progress.

對今天中國人的價值觀念、生活方式和中國的發展道路,具有深刻的影響。These traditions have exerted aprofound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people,and on China's road of development today.

這裏,我想就以下一些方面談些看法,希望有助於諸位對中國的瞭解。Here, I would like to make the followingobservations which I hope will help you to know China better.

一是團結統一的傳統。First, the tradition of solidarity and unity.

中華民族是由56個民族組成的大家庭。The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 nationalities.

從遙遠的古代起,我國各族人民就建立了緊密的政治經濟文化聯繫,共同開發了祖國的河山。Since the time immemorial,people of all nationalities have established closely-knitted political,economic and cultural links and joined hands in developing the vastland of our country.

中國2000多年前就形成了幅員廣闊的統一國家。China became a vast unified country more than 2,000 years ago.

悠久的中華文化,成為維繫民族團結和國家統一的牢固紐帶。The deep-rooted Chinese culture become a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity.

團結統一,深深印在中國人的民族意識中。Solidarity and unity have been inscribed in thehearts of the Chinese people as part of their national identity.

中國歷史上雖曾出現過暫時的分裂現象,但民族團結和國家統一始終是中華民族歷史的主流,是中國發展進步的重要保障。Despiteoccasional division in the Chinese history, ethnic harmony and nationalunity have remained the main stream in the history of the Chinesenation, and an important guarantee for China's development andprogress.

新中國的成立,標誌著中華民族實現了空前的大團結。The founding of the People's Republic of Chinamarked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.

各民族之間建立了平等、團結、互助的新型關係。A new type of relationship of equality,solidarity and mutual assistance between different nationalities hasbeen established.

各民族人民依法享有各項權利和自由。People of all nationalities enjoy full rights and freedoms provided for by the law.

在少數民族聚居的地方實行了區域自治。In places where there is a high concentration ofminority nationality people, regional autonomy is in practice.

民族地區的經濟社會獲得不斷的發展。These regions have witnessed continued economic and social development.

所有這些,為鞏固國家統一奠定了堅實的政治基礎。All these have laid a solid political foundation for consolidated national unity.

二是獨立自主的傳統。Second, the tradition of maintaining independence.

我們的先人歷來把獨立自主視為立國之本。Our ancestors always regarded the spirit of maintaining independence as the foundation of a nation.

中國作為人類文明發祥地之一,在幾千年的歷史進程中,文化傳統始終沒有中斷。As one of the cradles of humancivilization, China has all along maintained its cultural traditionwithout letup in the history of several thousand years.


In modern times, the frequent bullying and humiliation by imperialistpowers once weakened China. However, after a hundred years' struggle ofthe entire Chinese nation, China has stood up again as a giant.

這充分說明,中國人獨立自主的民族精神具有堅不可摧的力量。This fully testifies to the indestructiblestrength of this independent national spirit of the Chinese people.

今天,我們在探索自己的發展道路時,堅持從中國國情出發,來解決如何進行經濟政治文化建設的問題,而不照搬別國的模式。Today, infinding a road to development suited to us, we will proceed from ourown national conditions to address the issue of how to conduct economicconstruction and political and cultural advancement without blindlycopying other countries' models.

在處理國際事務中,我們採取獨立自主的立場和政策。In handling international affairs, we decide our positions and policies from an independent approach.

中國人民珍惜同各國人民的友誼與合作,也珍惜自己經過長期奮鬥而得來的獨立自主權利。The Chinese people cherish itsfriendship and cooperation with other peoples, as well as their rightto independence they have won through protracted struggles.

三是愛好和平的傳統。Third, the peace-loving tradition.

我國先秦思想家就提出了“親仁善鄰,國之寶也”的思想,反映了自古以來中國人民就希望天下太平、同各國人民友好相處。Chinese thinkersof the pre-Qin days (over 2,000 years ago) advanced the doctrine“loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to acountry.” This is a reflection of the aspiration of the Chinese peoplefor a peaceful world where people of all countries live in harmony.

今天,專心致志進行現代化建設的中國人民,更需要有一個長期的和平國際環境和良好的周邊環境。Today, the Chinese peoplewho are committed to modernization need more than ever a long-terminternational environment of peace and a favorable neighboringenvironment.

中國實行的是和平外交政策。China's foreign policy is peace-oriented.

我們堅持在和平共處五項原則,特別是在相互尊重、平等互利、互不干涉內政的原則基礎上,同世界各國建立和發展友好合作關係。We willestablish and develop friendly relations and cooperation with allcountries in the world on the basis of the Five Principles of PeacefulCoexistence, especially the principles of mutual respect, equality andmutual benefit and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

我們絕不會把自己曾經遭受欺淩的苦難加之於人。We will never impose upon others the kind of sufferings we once experienced.

中國的發展與進步,不會對任何人構成威脅。A developing and progressing China does not pose a threat to anyone.

將來中國富強起來了,也永遠不稱霸。China will never seek hegemony even if it is developed in the future.

中國始終是維護世界和平與地區穩定的堅定力量。China is always a staunch force for world peace and regional stability.

四是自強不息的傳統。Fourth, the tradition of constantly striving for self-perfection.

我們的先哲通過觀察宇宙萬物的變動不居,提出了“天行健,君子以自強不息”的思想,成為激勵中國人民變革創新、努力奮鬥的精神力量。Throughobserving the changing nature of the universe and all earthly matters,ancient Chinese philosophers proposed the following doctrine: "AsHeaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantlystrive for self-perfection." This idea has become an important moralstrength, spurring the Chinese people to work hard for reform andrenovation.

中國古代文明的發展,是中華民族艱苦奮鬥、自強不息的結果。The fruits of China's ancient civilizationwere brought about by the tireless efforts and hard work of the Chinesenation.

百年來,為了擺脫半殖民地半封建的歷史境遇,中國人民進行了艱苦卓絕、奮發圖強的鬥爭。In the past one hundred yearsor so, the Chinese people have waged arduous struggles to get rid ofthe sufferings under semi-colonial and semi-feudal rule.
发表于 2009-4-6 05:42:42 | 显示全部楼层
最记得老Jiang的 "Too simple, sometimes naive!"
那时候我学会了Naive这个词, 从此不忘.
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发表于 2009-11-10 15:02:32 | 显示全部楼层
我只记得老jiang的“too young, too simple..."
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发表于 2010-4-4 15:54:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-7 07:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-9 01:51:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-9 15:27:15 | 显示全部楼层
好久没见他了· ··哎想念他了· ·
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发表于 2010-4-12 10:10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-14 14:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-14 15:36:04 | 显示全部楼层
Too simple, sometimes naive! 经典
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发表于 2010-6-5 10:38:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-5 13:47:30 | 显示全部楼层
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