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发表于 2008-12-27 19:44:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文出处:Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
10. Avinash Kaushik
Avinash Kaushik is the author of critically acclaimed book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. He is the co-founder of Market Motive Inc and the Analytics Evangelist for Google.
Avinash Kaushik是Web Analytics: An Hour A Day的作者,这本书赢得广范认同。他本人是Google分析的传播者。他的Blog:
9. Darren Rowse
He is the guy behind Problogger Blog营销专家 他的Blog:Problogger
8. Jackie Huba Blog地址:Society for Word of Mouth SOWM的创建者之一
7. Aaron Wall SEOBook的作者 2003进入SEO行业,一个后来者, 很快脱颖而出,特点之一:写文章很多很长。在3年时间内不断地更新他的书
6. Pete Cashmore
working as web technology consultant,focuses on up-to-the-minute news on social networks and new websites 网络技术顾问,专注社会网络和新站实时新闻
5. Rand Fishkin
the CEO of SEOmoz which he founded in 2002
他的Blog:Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization
4. Michael Arrington
Michael is corporate attorney, entrepreneur and editor of the influential TechCrunch blog.
他的Blog:TechCrunch blog
3. Brian Clark
“by applying copywriting techniques to blogging, I accomplished two things. One, I created my own little unique niche by bringing a new approach to both copywriting and blogging, and two, I got a bunch of generous bloggers as readers who helped spread the word. I owe it all to them.”
他的Blog: Copyblogger
To understand the influence of Brian Clark, consider the most successful programs he released in 2008. His Teaching Sells program opened its doors for a short period of time before it closed its membership. The program has influenced many other marketers to switch from an ebook format to offering a community based teaching programs.
2. Guy Kawasaki
From writing one of the most popular blogs online, to creating Alltop, to his heavy use of Twitter, authoring several top selling books that are must reads; Guy is a unique entrepreneur, thought leader and a top marketer of 2008.
Brian Clark最具影响力的项目之一:Teaching Sells program 一个已经影响很多市场营销者从以往的销售电子书转变到以社区为基础的教学项目。

[ Last edited by 此情可待成追忆 at 2008-12-27 19:50 ]
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