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super affliate的秘密(转译)

发表于 2009-1-3 14:19:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I often get this question : “Amit, I love your blog and all the info you give out, but honestly already what’s the secret to being a successful super affiliate?”


As I’ve said before there’s really is NO secret to becoming a super affiliate, however, there are two concepts, idea, or whatever you want to call them, that if you understand these 2 concepts, I mean REALLY understand them, then you’re either already a super affiliate or quickly on your way to becoming one.

So what are these two concepts you need to understand??


What exactly do I mean by testing and scaling?

Here’s what I mean by testing:

Assuming you understanding the basics of ppc affiliate marketing, and most of you do, whether you want to believe it or not.

You first goal is to test, test, test.

Test different affiliate offers, test different keywords for your affilaite offers, test different landing page copy, test different Google ad copy, most importantly test different strategies for successfully launching & growing a profitable affiliate offer.
Once you found a good affilaite offer and tested enough keywords, Google Ad copy, and landing page copy to produce a consistently profitable affiliate campaign (even if it’s only $25/day profit), your next goal is to SCALE your campaign.

What most affiliates do at this point is they jump up with joy at their $25/day campaign, and then go into a completely different niche with a completely different strategy.


If you have been busting your butt optimizing an affiliate offer and got it to $25/profit you need to LEVERAGE everything you discovered while making that offer profitable. This is what I call scaling your affiliate business.

You want to do everything you can to MULTIPLY that $25/day into $300/day or even, in some cases, $3000/day.

I’ll get into a lot more detail about this is Part II of my post, but here’s a few ways to scale your profitable affiliate offer:

Aggressively expand your keywords list, go wider and deeper.

Promote other affilaite offers in the same or in a very similar niche. In this case you’re leveraging everything you learned in your niche, what type of keywords and copy work best, that is. You discover that with different products in that same or similar niche, the same type of copy and keywords work well.

Expand your campaign onto other search engines, this is a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many affiliates don’t take the time to do this. I run some of my top offers on up to 5 different search engines.

If your strategy is unique, replicate the same strategy you used to make your affiliate offer profitable in other niches. For example if your bidding on misspelled domain names, and have found a really effective way of doing this that generates high ROI, then duplicate this in as many niches as you can.
An essential key to building SCALE is systemization.

Building scale without a system can be an insane amount of work.

What do I mean by systemization anyway?

What I mean by “system” is a nearly automated step by step process that allows you to dramatically speed up the process of scaling your business.

Here’s an example: I’ve had a lot of success scaling my affiliate offers by pumping up the amount of keywords I’m bidding on, in particular broad keywords. It’s not uncommon for me to add 20k, 30k, or even 50k of keywords to a campaign I’m scaling.

Now setting up targeted adgroups can be a nightmare for 50k keywords, and especially if it’s a BROAD keyword list (that is with lots of related and lateral keywords, and not just long tails combinations).

I have a whole system in place, including a team of people that I’ve trained to clean, sort, & group the keywords. Plus I’ve developed some bulk methods to setting up 100s, even 1000s of adgroups in a very short period of time.

你要有一套系统来扩大你的规模。我的一些方法:用大量的关键词,20K,30K的关键词对我来说很平常,那么这里就需要有一套玩具来执行这个事情。我的办 法是我有一套玩具,同时我有一批训练有术的人专门的人来帮我弄这些。(方法他肯定不会写出来,也得靠我们自己总结或者朋友的点拨。)

This system has allowed me to take an affiliate campaign that’s maybe making $100/day profit and explode it to the point it’s making $1000+/day profit in a matter of weeks.

Do you have a system in place to scale YOUR affiliate business?


This time I really want to talk more about scaling and WHY that’s a big secret to success in affiliate marketing. I already talked about HOW last time.


If you really think about it, building scale is an important part of any business. If you own one hot dog stand, you’re very limited in how much money you’ll make in one day, and on top of that it will consume all your time.


So how do you scale a hot dog stand?

You hire out someone to run your hot dog stand, heck, franchise it out, give then 90% of the profits and you take 10%. Now do this 100 times, and you’ll be making 10x more than you were with just one hot dog stand and have free up all of your time (except for possibly training new hot dog stand owners)!

Now you can imagine the enormous time and money it would take to sell a 100 hot dog stand franchises to people and get them up and running.

In most traditional businesses it’s REALLY hard to scale. Even in online businesses, outside of affiliate marketing, scaling can be a pain in the butt.

Think about it.

Even if you’re selling a software product online, how difficult would be to take your company from $1M/year to $10M/year? With 10 times the sales you’re going to need 10 times the customer support, ten times the server capacity, bigger office space, etc, etc, etc.

A lot of start ups go belly up because they face fast growth in the beginning and they can’t handle it, that is they can’t scale fast enough to handle the growth. Now that’s a scary thought!


So what makes affiliate marketing different?

If you take your affiliate business for $500/day in sales to $5,000/day in sales you don’t have to worry about : hiring more employees, getting more office space, or anything like that.

Now the only bottleneck you may face here is your credit card limit, if you want to make $5,000/day in sales you’re most likely going to have to spend $2,000-$3,000 A DAY on ppc to hit that. If you get an American Express Gold card and build up your history you’ll have nothing to worry about (BIG TIP).

The ability to easily and rapidly build scale is what makes affiliate marketing a really unique business model.

I mean, what other business can you go into and start making $10k/month profit in within 3-6 months?

Now, last time I talked about how you need to build a team and a system to do the work of building scale in your affiliate business. I realized I talked above most people’s heads, so let me give more practical advice that newbies and intermediate affiliates can start applying right away.

Lets say you have success with dog training, you understand what keywords convert, what copy works. You’ve setup a nice review site, where you review various dog training ebooks etc.

So how do you scale this?
举个简单的例子,你如果发现“dog training”是一个有利可图的市场,那所有的pet training你都可以尝试。

Easy, promote other types of pet training ebooks using the same methodology you used for dog training. You can go into cat training, bird training, etc.

In different markets you need different strategies to be successful. You want to milk one market as much as you can before you go into another market, pet training is a perfect example.

So if you’re just starting out don’t get overwhelmed by Part I of my post, just do this:

Find a good niche, you’ll know it’s a good niche when you start making consistent profits!
Build on your success by split testing your landing page, split testing your Google ads, adding more keywords, and expanding your campaign onto other PPC search engines.
Now go into closely related niches (ie dog training, cat training, bird training) and use the same strategy you used in the original niche and duplicate your results.
It really is THAT simple!



发表于 2009-1-4 03:36:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-4 15:31:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-10 23:07:11 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for your sharing
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发表于 2009-2-8 23:46:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-9 15:59:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-9 22:46:33 | 显示全部楼层
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爱国就来玩抗战吧,抗战推广员力挺这款打鬼子的 游戏!
问道也是一款难得的好玩游戏, 问道推广人会让越来越多的朋友喜欢她!
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发表于 2011-2-8 11:45:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-4 15:59:19 | 显示全部楼层
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    文章很好 我转发了 谢谢哦
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