Use the power of internal links by using the “SEO in a Box”
technique to find which pages of your site or most related to the topic
you are trying to get the double listing for, and then focus the links on
the secondary page.
via google best pratices, 这本书不错
我的理解是把SEO想象为一个box,没有SEO的进来,SEO以后出去(google "seo in a box"以后得到seo in a box for lawyer等, 为专业人士提供SEO方案)。还有一个理解是把网站想象为一个box,蜘蛛顺着外链爬进来,爬完box(网站)后顺着出站链接出去。不知道这样的理解对不对?原文说使用seo in a box 技术找出相关页面或同一topic下的内容,但是没说怎么使用,how to find.
再搜索了一下,原来SEO-IN-A-BOX是个platform 或者称为 solution,为企业提供的一站式服务,包括网页设计、SEO和分析。SEOCompany launches SEO-in-a-Box - A revolutionary hosted website platform which is comprised of Custom Website Design, Hosted Content Management System, Turn-Key Blog with custom content writing by a skilled team of SEO content writers and Built in analytics using Google Analytics.
超链接显示为目录形式 (www.webmarketingnow.com› Tips › Google Tips) ,而不是常见的网页形式(www.i18nguy.com/markup/metatags.html),点击链接以后进去的却是具体的网页。而且目录(Tips, Google Tips)是可以点击的,请问下这个对应的英文叫什么(比如seo-greenhat提到的双serp排名对应的英文是double-listing)?