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发表于 2011-3-7 01:03:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
买了个wprobot3.4的最新版,但是下载后没有大家说的“Quick Start Guide”

发表于 2011-3-8 16:54:32 | 显示全部楼层
If you want to get your first automatic posts up as quickly as possible you can follow the steps below. It is recommended however that you read the other chapters of this documentation first as well, so that you can utilize WP Robot to the fullest.

    * Go to the "Options" screen of WP Robot 3 and enter your affiliate and API keys. The option fields of those keys will be marked in red if empty and are necessary for the plugin to work! While on the options page you can also adjust the other options to your liking - most of them are self-explanatory, for the rest you can refer to section 8.
    * Click the "Create Campaign" link in the WP Robot admin section. The campaign will contain the keywords, categories and templates you want to use for autoposting. Those are the necessary steps to create a basic campaign:
          o Enter the keywords you want to use into the "Keywords" field, one per line.
          o Enter the categories into the "Categories" field. Each category will correspond to the keyword on the same line. Alternatively you can enter a single category for all keywords.
          o Click the "Quick Template Setup" button on the top right. This will set up all available presets as a template for this campaign.
          o Edit the other options to your liking (for example change the Post Interval or the Start of the campaign).
          o Finally click "Create Campaign" when done.
    * Click the "control panel" link. This will take you to the control panel for your new campaign where you can create new posts quickly or edit other details.
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发表于 2011-3-8 18:31:05 | 显示全部楼层
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