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Neverblue Communications破产信息

发表于 2012-4-18 08:01:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 dxszzcylm 于 2012-4-18 08:03 编辑

今天在订阅的Blog中看到的信息,原标题为“Neverblue Communications Bankruptcy Information”


The industry has been talking this morning about bankruptcy notices received from the US Bankruptcy Court that includes the entity “Neverblue Communications Inc” as listed in the bankruptcy. Since the Bankruptcy filing of Velo Holdings, many companies have been concerned that they would not be paid by Neverblue. However, despite the bankruptcy, Neverblue reported that they would be operating as usual, and as a non-US subsidiary they would not be included in the bankruptcy and could pay all affiliates.

So when these notices started showing up this week, people were rightly concerned that they weren’t being told the truth. We contacted Neverblue this morning, and they informed us that Neverblue Communication Inc was not the Neverblue of Canada, that operates the well-known affiliate network, but instead was the operating name for affiliate network AKMG, out of California.

Also listed, besides Neverblue Communications is several other companies in the industry included in the bankruptcy including FYI Direct, Vertrue and Adaptive — all large purchasers of leads on many CPA Networks. This leaves many networks concerned that they will not be paid, or paid in part for money currently owed.

The Bankruptcy notice is below, with “Neverblue Communications” (AKMG) clearly mentioned as a co-debtor, and included int he bankruptcy of Velo Holdings on the second page and is included in the bankruptcy.  It is recommend that anyone owed money speak to their attorney.

原文地址: ... ruptcy-information/


参与人数 1e币 +2 收起 理由
妃子笑 + 2


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 08:01:48 | 显示全部楼层

AKMG has already sent a notice to our affiliates on the day of the filing informing them of our naming in the filing. We have paid ALL affiliates up to date (no affiliates were withheld payment due to the filing) and we continue to make payments on time.

This hype is just a fire alarm, and anyone who is working with AKMG knows that we are running business as usual. If you understand anything about bankruptcy (CH 11) and you can truly interpret the 1600 page bankruptcy filing then you will see this is true. The document that is listed above is a standard doc that is sent to every affiliate in our database. The document that is listed in this blog is NOT the bankruptcy document, it is just a debtor list.

We are unfortunate in that we were named as we have a very healthy business, this is no fault of AKMG. Neverblue was not named because they are Canadian.

If anyone has questions about this, feel free to reach out to me, Kim White, directly. My aim handle is “akmgkim” from there i will give you my full contact info.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 08:16:04 | 显示全部楼层
“In 2011, Neverblue expanded its operations by opening Neverblue Mobile and purchasing AKMG. Neverblue Mobile is an experienced team of media buyers who use state of the art technology to mazimize ROI for customers and campaigns. AKMG, a leading international performance based marketing firm, gives brands and agencies unlimited access to internet traffic all over the world.”
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