
楼主 |
发表于 2012-5-22 00:13:31
1. No Website or Blog or whatsoever needed, just Landing Page (LP) or Squeeze Page will do.
2. Analyse trends in Twitter or Facebook and see where the biggest traffic and demands/interests are
and create Gift Cards or E-books with your affiliate links stuffed, and only with links stuffed...ok a bit of selling text too of course ..That´s IT..you are selling info, not creating info, but your job is to collect that valueable info (the links) for the people. That is basically YOUR SERVICE to them, your value.
Your real service here is collecting and providing that info for them in a E-book! >>>Related to the trends they are interested in.
Keyword (trend) search your affiliate(CPA) networks for those to find related offers.
BUT!!!, no worry, hoping to sell products with affilate links within a e-book is not your interest AT ALL in first instance... ...but if they buy ...better for you anyways.
3. Go to paywithattweet.com or socialpaymentsystem.com and create your (A) OFFER DOWNLOAD LINK FILE, which they will get in return as a DOWNLAOD pdf FILE (UNLOCK YOUR FREE E-BOOK link inside).
4. Now go and viraly spread your message in the related trends or BIG niches (those who have potential with most traffic). How you do that ?... cmon guys i dont need to tell, do i?
The "Fast Twitter Profit" automated method -for example- with Yahoo Pipes and Google Feedburnes is smart and laser targeted done right, to be honest.
5. Those who are interested and klick that message, will pay with a tweet only (or with a FB klick) and then they can downlaod THAT (A) file with your OFFER DOWNLOAD LINK within - and a bit of nice text to build up a personal relationship, but less is more !! dont overdo it.
Your landing page is a pdf in other words ...designed by your own ideas.
6. That OFFER DOWNLOAD LINK in the (A) file is an AWEBER Opt-in link (you wanna catch them once a realtionship is built up, won´t you)
7. Once they use that link within the pdf they will get another auto-respond aweber confirmation (B) e-mail with the UNLOCK YOUR FREE GREAT e-book (or gift) NOW message, which they really wanted so bad before. They can unlock now in their mail box the real gift or e-book.
You can use UNLOCK or CONFIRM YOUR MAIL as message....you get the drift...confriming mail is nothing else as an e-mail CPA submit here.
8. ..but if they want UNLOCK now that FREE E-BOOK (or gift) in the 2nd (B) mail, they will get a great choice, how to do that ...hahahhaha (if you want, but not nessary, but you will see why)
Having went so far, how many do you thing will abort now in the process ?
Yes, every step more is risk of loosing conversion rates, but here they are interactively involved already
and that is your goal, building up a relation in a process not being (you) just a klick.
9... that great choice how to UNLOCK the FREE E-Book is either submitting their e-mail (CPA) -remeber UNLOCK or CONFIRM MAIL- or filling up a survey *giggles*
...hey, noone does surveys ..so f*** it right ?? ... just put your mail in ..isn´t it?
(choices can never be YES or NO, just A or B !!) ...basics in selling something.....
10. Tadaa...they submit the CPA e-mail, you cash in, and they get redirected finally to the E-Book (or gift card) downlaod link. Yaay...you did great customer..here you gift as reward..and we keep you up with infos in future
11. oh hell wait....the e-book (+ well filesized trash within) they can then downlaod from a place, which pays you for downloads .
A) you got them opted in
B) you have them in your list now
C) you monetized with CPA 1 (e-mail submit) or CPA 2 (survey) in the (B) message
D) customer is happy to get a free E-book for free with tons of links (your affiliates) inside where they can find more info related to their interest (can be anything,
from service to info to products...)
E) if lucky, they will even buy one of those affiliate products and you cash in again.
F) you have built up trust in that whole process with rewarding interactive roles.
G) you have avoided with that "work around" being banned from twitter as CPA or content hide spammer.
There are things anyways to be aware of how to avoid getting banned from Twitter.
There are many nice tips regards this hidden in various concepts. Maybe i make a list one day or add my observations.
Another thing is, if you would able to design e-mail submit pages which come within the 2nd (B) mail as links, and make it look simple and crappy, yo even
personal...then thats way better. Many CPA Networks do not allow personal own designed LPs, but there are ways, how to redirect the e-mail submitting proccess
of CPA pages with own "backgrounds".
This a process i came up with few days ago and i am working to complety develope it...yes i know, i should stay under the radar and publish a WSO with that..but hey..screw that......
If someone wants to help me with that idea.....i am open ears.
Facebook and Twitter...both are fuggly....simplicty...less is more...userfriendly..is the KEY, yes. |